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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 13

Ninth Annual Report 0f the Committee of Management of the Otago Benevolent Institution

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Ninth Annual Report

Dunedin: Printed at the "Daily Times" Office, Princes Street.

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  • His Honor the Superintendent.


  • A. C. Strode, Esq.


  • R. B. Martin, Esq
  • James Wilkie, Esq.


  • A. C. Strode, Esq.; St. John Branigan, Esq; R. B. Martin, Esq.
  • R. B. Martin, Esq.

Committee of Management.

  • J. Fulton, Esq., W. Taieri. H.
  • Houghton, Esq., Dunedin
  • H. Howorth, Esq., Dunedin.
  • R. A. Lawson, Esq., Dunedin.
  • Jas. Mollison, Esq., Dunedin.
  • W.D. Murison, Esq., Dunedin.
  • Jas. Paterson, Esq., Dunedin.
  • Geo. R. West, Esq., Dunedin.

Medical Officer.

  • T. M. Hocken, M.D.

Honorary Dentist.

  • Alfred Boot, Esq.


  • J. S. Hickson.
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Annual General Meeting of Subscribers

The Annual Meeting of subscribers to the above Institution was held in Farley's Buildings, on Monday, 5th February, 1872, Mr. A. C. Strode in the chair.

After a few introductory remarks by the Chairman, the Secretary of the Institution (Mr. J. A. Webb) read the Report of the Committee, Medical Report, and Financial Statement

The Rev D. M. Stuart said he had great pleasure in rising to move adoption of the report. Those who were in the habit of visiting the poor knew something of the labours which the Committee and the Secretary managed to perform during the course of the year. If they considered the number of families relieved, and the work, in one way and another, which was performed, they must be convinced that the community was greatly indebted to the gentlemen who formed the Committee. For his own part, he could not think of them voluntarily and freely doing all this work—meeting weekly, besides having to pay occasional visits—without thank page 6 ing God, and thanking them. He thought it was creditable to the community that they could command always a number of gentlemen willing to undertake such work. Those who had to deal with the poor knew that it was not always easy to relieve them wisely, or to satisfy them; and for his part he thought they should cherish kindly feelings towards those gentlemen for their manifold labours. As a 'minister of the Gospel, and having to do with the poor, he might say that they saved him many troubles and pains; because instead of having to knock about from house to house to beg for one and another, he confessed he fell back on the Institution, and if he could make out a case, he was sure of getting He thought they should record their thanks to the [unclear: Committe] for their very efficient services, and also to their [unclear: Secretary] for he thought they were somewhat fortunate in [unclear: hating] Mr Webb, who went about his work quietly, and as far (Mr. Stuart) could ascertain, the work was done in an efficient manner. He thought the health of the Institution during the past year said a great deal in favour of Dr Hocken, whom he also knew to be very attentive to the outdoor patients. He had great pleasure in moving that "The Report be adopted adopted, and the thanks of the meeting conveyed to the Committee, their Treasurer, Medical Adviser, and Secretary, for the admirable manner in which they have carried out their work during the past year."

Mr. G. R. West seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.

The Balance Sheet for the year showed the receipts—made up from Government Grants, Subscriptions, Collections, Rents, &c., including a cash balance of £873 19s. 9d., from 1870—to be £3870 18s. 5d. The disbursements amounted to £3463 15s., leaving a balance to 1872 of £407 3s. 5d.

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The Secretary stated that he had calculated the average cost per week of each individual in the Institution, and found that it amounted to 6s. 10d. That included everything except the interest upon the money for the building.

The election of Office-bearers for the ensuing year then took place, with the following result—President, Mr. A. C. Strode; Vice-presidents, Messrs. R. B. Martin and James Wilkie; Treasurer, Mr. R. B. Martin; Committee—Messrs. Jammes Fulton, H. Houghton, H. Howorth, R. A. Lawson, W.D. Murison, James Mollison, James Paterson, and G. R. West.

Mr. Hindle said he thought there should be a little saving made in connection with the Institution. A Master and Matron were to be appointed; but he thought the duties [unclear: fulfilled] by the Secretary, with the assistance of [unclear: who] could do the drudgery, and a considerable [unclear: might] be thus made.

[unclear: Mr]. Howorth said he was quite certain that no saving [unclear: would] be effected by the alteration proposed. The Secretary had enough do—he had to look after the money and collect the necessary funds—and they would find that if all the offices were filled by one person, neither of them would be done efficiently

Mr. Strode said that in his opinion this was a mere executive matter—(hear, hear)—a matter for the Committee to consider. It was his desire, and the desire of the Committee, to conduct the Institution in as economical a manner as it was possible, without spending a single farthing unless where required. If such an arrangement as that suggested could be made, of course the Committee would see to get the duties performed as economically as possible; but he did not see his page 8 way to that just at present. A person having the conduct of the Institution, if he did his duty, had his hands full; and the Secretary's duties were of quite a different nature: but that of course was an executive matter which should be discussed at a Committee meeting.

A. vote of thanks to the President terminated the proceedings.

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Ninth Annual Report of the Committee of Management of the Otago Benevolent Institution

1. The Committee of Management have to report that during the past year they have been called upon to relieve a very large amount of distress, more especially during the winter months. The disbursements for Outdoor Relief have exceeded the sum expended for this purpose in 1870, by nearly £200, and that of 1869 by more than £400. This circumstance partly arose from the dearth of employment, existing during the autumn and winter, and the sickness at that time so prevalent among the poorer classes. In the country districts also there have been many extreme cases of distress, which have necessitated the intervention of the Institution.

2. Many of the cases at present on the Books are likely to be permanent, and in some the size and absolute indigence of the family have compelled the Committee to administer assistance to a more than ordinarily large amount. At the close of the year there were on the Relief List 244 persona, page 10 entailing a disbursement of £17 per week. Of this amount £4 2s. 6d is distributed in the country districts.

3. The Committee would again draw attention to the fact, that in a majority of cases the distress originates in the desertion of their wives and families by the husbands, and they trust their successors in office will continue to impress upon the Government the necessity for the introduction of such measures as will enable the Police to deal more effectually with such offenders.

4. The average number of Inmates in the Institution during the past year has remained about equal to that of 1870. The buildings placed at the service of the Committee by the Provincial Government were removed to the Institution, and from the materials a large and spacious building has been erected for the accommodation of the adult male inmates, who are thus separated from the rest of the Establishment. The cost of each inmate per week during the past year was six shillings and tenpence farthing.

5. In September last the Committee found it necessary to dispense with the services of Mr. Turner, and subsequently with those of Mrs. Turner. The re-appointments? of Master and Matron have not yet been permanently made.

6. The Committee have much pleasure in [unclear: testifying] to the diligence of the Governess, Miss M. A. Coxhead, and also to the readiness she has evinced to promote the welfare of the Institution, during the period in which it has been without a Matron. The educational advancement of the children also establishes her proficiency as a Teacher.

7. The Committee have also to record their satisfaction with the assiduous attention given by Mr. Macfie to his duties as Religious Instructor, and have reason to believe that much good has resulted from his labours.

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8. During the year three children were placed out at service, and in each instance the Committee have received satisfactory accounts of their conduct and progress.

9. It will be observed by reference to the Balance Sheet, that financially, the Institution has retrograded during the past year. It will be necessary for the incoming Committee to endeavour to induce the Government to make a more liberal provision for the relief of the destitute, as otherwise it will be absolutely impossible for them to carry on effectually the business of the Charity. The Committee were led to believe that the endowment of Land for Public Charities would, ere this, have been available; and regret to have to report that the Colonial Parliament has not yet consented to the vote. They trust, however, that their successors in office will use every endeavour to obtain this very necessary provision for charitable aid.

10. Pursuant to the instructions of the Subscribers, made at the last Annual Meeting, the Committee applied to the various Medical Practitioners in Dunedin, with the view to obtain honorary medical attendance. They were, however, unsuccessful, and under the amended Rule, Dr. Hocken was appelated to the office of Medical Attendant, receiving an honorarium of £50 per annum; and the Committee desire to place on record their appreciation of the manner in which the duties of that arduous office have been fulfilled.

11. Attached to the Report will be found the Medical Report, Balance Sheet, and Tabular Records of the operations of the Institution.

12. The Committee now resign their trust; they are however eligible for re-election.

A. Chetham Strode, President.

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Annual Report of the Medical Officer of the Otago Benevolent Institution.


I am glad to be able to report that during the past year the health of the inmates of the Institution has been, on the whole, good. Five deaths have occurred during the year; the first from consumption, in the case of Ellen Griffiths, a girl of thirteen years of age, who had suffered from that affection for two or three years previously; the second from effusion on the brain and convulsions, in the case of Henry Bateman; the third from inflammation of the lungs, in Robert White, aged 8 years; the last two from violent diarrhoea in very young infants.

The epidemics of influenza and scarlet fever, which have been so prevalent in the town, have fortunately not extended to the Institution; indeed every sanitary precaution has been taken to prevent as far as possible the occurrence of disease. All the children are vaccinated. Great credit is due to the Matron and to the others having charge of the children for the constant attention they pay to the important matters of cleanliness and ventilation. Lastly, a great deal of medical relief has been afforded to the outdoor recipients of the Charity.

T. M. Hocken.

February 1st, 1872.
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Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the Otago Benevolent Institution,

For Year ending December 31st, 1871.

RECEIPTS. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF THE OTAGO BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, For Year ending December 1871. RECEIPTS. . £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash Balance from 1870 873 19 9, Government Grants 1838 0 0, Subscriptions, Collections, etc. 1058 0 8, from other sources,—say Rents, account Inmates, sale of Produce and Stock, etc., etc. 100 18 0 3870 18 5 £3870 18 5 DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d £ s. d. By Cash paid Outdoor Relief - - 1369 0 3, Milk, Groceries, Meat, etc. 571 5 4, Furnishing and Repairs - 11 14 2, Advertising and Printing - 31 2 3, Religious Instructor - 50 0 0, Salaries and Labour - 631 3 7, Office Rent and Stationery - 18 15 0, Fencing, Ditching, and Re- -, pairs to Building - 300 12 9, Clothing and Repairs to same - 296 13 2, Fuel - - - 102 7 7, Medicine, Cartage, Stock, - Seeds, Rates, Insurance, Postage and Stamp Duties, etc., etc. - 81 0 11 - - - 3463 15 0 Balance to 1872 407 3 5 £3870 18 5 Dunedin, January, 1872, Audited, and found correct, Hy. F. Hardy, Auditor,

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ADULTS. Male. Female. CHILDREN. TOTAL church of England. Presbyterian. Roman Catholic. Wesleyan. Other Denom. TOTAL. Cor. Total, 1870. Cor Total, 1869. Cor Total, 1868. Cor Total, 1867. Relieved, 1871 Discharged 52 272 730 1054 289 465 200 46 54 1054 903 610 402 325 38 215 557 810 219 340 158 42 51 810 650 469 250 194 On the Books Dec. 31, 1871 14 57 173 244 70 '125 42 4 3 244 253 141 152 131

Table I.—Shewing the total number of Persons Relieved Outdoor, and Discharged during 1871, and the number on the Books, Dec. 31st, Dec. 31st, 1871.

6 Years. 5 Years. 4Years. 3 Years. 2 Years. 18 Months. 12 Months. 11 Months. 10 Months. 9 Months. 8 Months. 7 Months. 6 Months. 5 Months. 4 Months. 3 Months. 2 Months. 1 Months. Supplied with Blankets, Bedding, Supplied with Clothing, etc. Supplied with firing. TOTAL FAMILIES 1 2 7 4 16 15 10 1 2 3 5 10 8 2 13 11 22 70 19 16 58 295

Table II.—Shewing the length of time each Family has received Relief and the number of Casual Cases during 1871.

ADULTS. CHILDREN'S AGES. Male. Female. CHILDREN. AGES OF THE ADULTS. 1 Year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 Years. 5 Years. 6 Years. 7 Years. 8 Years. 9 Years. 10 Years. 11 Years. 12 Years. 13years. TOTAL 11 3 *65 59, 67, 23, 83, 54, 67, 35, 66, 70, 64, 60, 28, 33, 54. 2 2 4 4 8 7 10 8 6 9 2 2 1 79 * 39 Boys and 26 Girls, Employed in office.

Table III.—Shewing the respective Ages of the Inmates of the Institute at Caver sham, December 31 1871.

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CAUSE. ADULTS. CHILDREN. Male Female. Boys Girls. TOTAL. Church of England. Presbyterian. Roman Catholic.; Wesleyan. Other Denominations. TOTAL. Placed at Service ... ... 2 1 3 3 ... ... ... 3 Adopted .. 1 3 4 4 4 Taken out by Friends 1 8 7 16 2 8 3 3 16 Discharged 5 5 10 4 3 3 10 Deceased 3 2 5 4 1 5 Total Discharged during 1871 5 6 14 13 38 17 12 6 3 38

Table IV.—Shewing the number of Persons Discharged from the Institute at Caversham during 1871.

ADULTS. Male Female. CHILDREN. TOTAL. Church of England. Presbyterian. Roman Catholic. | Wesleyan. Other Denominations. TOTAL. Corresponding Total, 1870. Corresponding Total, 1869. Cor. Total, 1868. Cor. Total, 1867. Total Inmates, Dec. 31, 1870. 13 3 68 84 37 36 10 1 84 69 68 54 44 Admitted during 1871 3 6 24 33 14 6 3 3 5 33 57 50 30 46 TOTAL 16 9 92 117 51 42 15 3 6 117 126 118 84 90 Discharged (see Table 4.) 5 6 27 38 17 12 6 3 0 38 42 49 l6 36 Total Inmates, Dec. 31, 1871. 11 3 65 79 34 30 9 0 6 79 84 69 68 54

Table V.—Shewing the number of Persons Admitted to, and Discharged from the Institute during the Year, and the number of Inmates, December 31st, 1871.

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Rules of the Benevolent Institution, Dunedin.


to believe the aged, infirm, disabled, and destitute of all creeds and denominations, afford them medical relief, and to minister to them the comforts of religion.

Rules and Regulations.

Qualifications and Privileges of Governors and Subscribers.

Qualification of Life Governors.

1. Every donor of £20 or upwards shall be a Life Governor, and every person who may have raised, or shall raise, by one or more collections in one year, the sum of twenty pounds (£20), or upwards, from persons not claiming membership on account of their contributions towards such sum; and every Executor first named in any Will, proving the same, and paying to the Institution a bequest of fifty pounds (£50) or upwards, shall have all the rights and privileges of a Life Governor.

Qualifications of Members.

2. Every Subscriber of one guinea, or up- wards, shall be an Annual Member, and shall have the privilege of recommending cases of distress for relief, and of voting at the election of Office-bearers, provided that he shall not be entitled to vote until three months after the payment of his first Annual Subscription. The page 17 Annual Subscription shall be due and payable on the 1st day of January in each year
3. There shall be in the month of January in

Annual General Meeting in the month of January.

every year, a General Meeting of the Life Governors and Members of the Institution, to be held at such place as the General Committee shall appoint (of which meeting fourteen days' previous notice shall be given in two or more of the Dunedin newspapers), to receive the Report and Accounts of the Committee of management; to elect the Committee and other Office-bearers; and to transact the general business of the Institution.
4. The Office-bearers of the Institution shall

Office-bearers to be elected annually.

consist of a President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer, and a General Committee of any number not exceeding eight members (exclusive of ex officio Members), to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, by and from among the Life Governors and Members.
5. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer,

Ex officio members committee. .

Honorary Medical Officers, and the resident committee, principal Minister of each congregation contributing a collection to the funds of the Institution (being qualified as Governors) shall be ex officio Members of Committee; but no ex officio Members, except Honorary Office-bearers, shall vote on the removal or appointment of any paid servant of the Institution.
6. The General Committee shall meet once in

Commitee meetings when to be held. .

the week, and at such other times as they may appoint, to receive the report of the various officers, and discuss the general business of the Institution; three to form a quorum. A Committee Meeting shall be held the first Monday in every February and August, to enter into contracts for the supply of provisions and other necessaries; five to form a quorum.
7. The President, Vice-President, or Treasurer

Who to preside at Committee meetings.

shall preside at all meetings of Committee; and page 18 in their absence, the majority present shall appoint their own Chairman, who shall have an additional or casting vote.

Committee to frame Bye-laws and Regulations

8. The Committee shall frame such Bye-laws Regulations as they may deem necessary, the same not being at variance with the general laws of the Institution.

Special General Meeting of Subscribers, how to be convened.

9. The Committee of Management may convene a special general meeting of Subscribers at any time, upon giving notice at least fourteen days previously, in two or more of the Dunedin newspapers, which notice shall be repeated three times. Any thirty Life Governors or Subscribers may request the Committee to call a special meeting at any time; and should they, after receiving such requisition so signed, refuse or neglect to call such meeting within fourteen days, it shall be in the power of the said requisitionists to convene such a meeting, upon giving notice as directed above.

Bye-laws to be repealed only at Special Meetings.

10. No Bye-law or Regulation shall be altered or repealed except at a special meeting of Committee; such meeting to consist of not less than five members.

How appointments are to be made by the Committee.

11. That in electing to any appointment by the Committee, when there are more applicants than are required, the voting shall take place by voting cards; and in all cases the salary shall be determined before proceeding to election.

Honorary Medical officers and their qualifications.

12. There shall be two or more Medical Officers, not to exceed four, whose appointments shall be honorary; and no one shall be eligible for the office of Medical Officer who is not certificated by the Medical Board of Otago. It shall, however, be lawful for the Committee, in the event of Honorary Medical Attendance being unavailable, to appoint such paid Medical Officers as may be necessary.

Appointment of Honorary Medical Officers and filling up of vacancies.

13. The Honorary Medical Officers shall be chosen by the Committee, and shall be amenable? page 19 to the rules made by them. If any vacancy occurs by death, removal, or retirement, such vacancy shall be filled up at special meeting of Committee, to be convened for that purpose.
14. That the Honorary Medical Officers shall

How Medical Officers shall report.

report on the state of the inmates at the weekly meeting of Committee.
15. That no application be received unless

Conditions of admission to Institution.

signed by a Subscriber; and no person shall be admitted until the expiration of one week from the date applying, to allow time for enquiry, except in special cases.
16. Tenders for all supplies shall be invited

Tenders to be called for supplies.

for a period of not less than six months, the amount of such tenders to be duly recorded in the Minute-book. No member of Committee to supply any article for the use of the Institution, for which he may receive pecuniary or other compensation.
17. The House Visiting Committee, consisting

House Visting Commitee, how to be appointed.

of three members, shall be appointed by and from the General Committee, at the monthly meetings in February, May, August, and November in each year, to act in rotation. Members retiring to be eligible for re-appointment.
18. It shall be their duty to visit the Inst-

Duties of Visting Committee.

itution at least once a week to make a general inspection, and to record the result in the Minute-book, to be kept in the Institution; such book to be produced at the weekly meetings of the Committee.
19. The Superintendent, or other officer ap-

Management of Institution.

pointed by the Committee, shall have the management of the Institution, subject to the Regulations and orders of the Committee.
20. The inmates of the Institution will be

Religious instruction.

allowed religious instruction from the ministers instruction of the denomination to which they belong, at such times as the Committee shall appoint.
page 20

Life Governors.

  • Rev. Dr Burns
  • F. Bushell, Esq.
  • H. Cable, Esq.
  • Robt Campbell, junr., Esq.
  • Rev. R. Connebee
  • Chas. Coote, Esq.
  • H. Dench, Esq.
  • H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh
  • Rev. E. G. Edwards
  • B. L. Farjeon, Esq
  • W. E. Farrer, Esq.
  • H. S. Fish, junr., Esq
  • Robt. Forsyth, Esq.
  • F. Fulton, Esq.
  • M. S. Gleeson, Esq.
  • E. Halley, M D.
  • J. G. Henry, Esq.
  • Marcus Hume, Esq.
  • A. Inglis, Esq.
  • T. Inglis, Esq.
  • John Jones, Esq.
  • Samuel H. Little, Esq.
  • W. Lyster, Esq.
  • J. P. Maitland, Esq.
  • T. A. Mansford, Esq.
  • R. B. Martin, Esq.
  • Wm. Meluish, Esq.
  • Rev. D. Moreau.
  • Honble. John M'Lean.
  • John M. M'Lean, Esq.
  • M. Murphy, Esq.
  • Rev. J. L. Parsons.
  • A. Rennie, Esq.
  • Jas. Robin, Esq.
  • Alex. Stewart, M.D.
  • A. C. Strode, Esq.
  • Rev. D. M. Stuart
  • Rev. G. Sutherland.
  • H. Talbot, Esq.
  • Wm. Telford, Esq.
  • C. Thomson, Esq.
  • Captain Thomson
  • R. Thomson, Esq.
  • Julius Vogel, Esq.
  • Job Wain, Jun., Esq.
  • George West, Esq.
Ladies who are Entitled to the Eights and Priviliges of Life Governors.
Mrs. Barton Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Meluish.
Mrs. E. B. Cargill. Mrs. Graham. Miss Meredith.
Mrs. Caldecutt. Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Muir.
Mrs. Caldwell. Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Nathan.
Mrs. C. Cook. Mrs. A. Inglis. Mrs. Rattray.
Miss. Copeland. Mrs. T. Inglis. Mrs. Skinner.
Mrs. Daniels. Miss Lahman. Mrs. J. Smith.
Mrs. S. Dewes. Miss. Lambert. Mrs. Tolmie.
Mrs. Dick. Mrs. Lawson. Mrs. Vogel.
Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Winter.
page 21

Otago Benevolent Institution.

List of Subscriptions, Donations, and Collections,

For the Year 1871.
£ s. d.
Aikman, Jno. 4 1 0
Aldrich, G.A. 1 1 0
A. Alexander, Dr. 1 1 0
Allen, Rev. J. M. (Waihola) 9 7 6
Allen, Thos. 1 1 0
Amateur Minstrels, Lawrence 10 0 0
Anderson, A. F. 1 1 0
Anonymous 104 18 5
B. 0 10 0
Bagley, B. 5 13 0
Bagley, Mrs. B. 1 1 0
Bagley, Miss 1 1 0
Bailey, F. 1 1 0
Baird, B. R. (Cromwell) 4 18 0
Baird, W. 0 10 0
Ball, W. O. 1 1 0
Bank of Australasia 5 5 0
Bank of N. S. Wales 5 5 0
Bank of New Zealand 5 5 0
Bank, Union 5 5 0
Banuatyne, D. 1 1 0
Barker, P. 1 1 0
Barnett & Levien 1 1 0
Barr, A. 1 1 0
Barron, Grant & Co. 1 1 0
Baxter, D. 1 1 0
Beal, L. O. 2 2 0
Beeby, Georgo 1 1 0
Bell, Miss 1 1 0
Benefit S. Dunedin School 4 8 0
Bing, Harris & Co. 3 3 0
Black, J. and Son 0 10 0
Black & Thomson 1 1 0
Blakely, J. 1 1 0
Blyth, Geo. 1 1 0
Boot, Alfred 1 1 0
Borrie, Donald (W. Taieri) 5 5 0
Borrows, Dr. 1 1 0
Boyd, Capt. J. T. 5 5 0
Bracken, Thos. (Melbourne) 4 15 0
Brent, S. 2 2 0
Bright Bros. & Co. 5 5 0
Brodie, Geo. 1 1 0
Broderick, G. S. 1 1 0
Brown, E. 1 0 0
Brown, Ewing & Co. 1 1 0
Brown, James 1 1 0
Buchanan, Hon A. 5 0 0
Burt, A. T. 1 1 0
Burton Bros. 1 1 0
Burton, E. 0 10 0
Butterworth Bros. 2 2 0
Cable, H. & Co. (Waipori) 7 16 0
Caledonian Games, collected at 8 10 0
Caledonian Society 15 0 0
Calvert & Campbell 2 2 0
Cameron, D. A. (Nokomai) 4 6 0
Campbell, Daniel 1 1 0
Campbell, R. (Kaihiku) 9 9 6
Cargills & M'Lean 5 5 0
Carroll, J. 1 1 0
Colored Opera Troupe 11 16 6
Certain Jury Fees, Creed v. Ferens 3 0 0
Daily Times Co. 3 3 0
Dalgety, Nichols & Co. 5 5 0
Davidson, James 1 1 0
Dermer, Geo. E. 1 1 0
Dick, Thos. 1 1 0
Driver, Stewart & Co. 2 2 0
Duncan, George 8 8 0
Dunning Bros. (1870) 1 1 0
Dunning Bros. (1871) 1 1 0
Edwards, Rev. E. G. 1 1 0
Eggers Bros. 1 1 0
Evening Star" 2 2 0
Farquhar, G. P. 2 2 0
Farra, J. 0 10 0page 22
Farrer & Stewart, collected at Lawrence—
Herbert & Co. 3 3 0
Morrison & Co. (Blue Spur) 4 4 0
Dr. Copland 1 1 0
Farrer, Wm. E. 1 1 0
M'Beath, Wm. 1 1 0
Morrison, W. D. 1 1 0
Williams, Elizabeth 1 1 0
Gooday, Wm. Nott 1 1 0
Harrop, Jonas 1 1 0
Hide, Thos. 1 1 0
Grieve, Robt. 1 1 0
Hales, Samuel 1 1 0
Budd, A. R. 1 1 0
Evans, Wm. 1 1 0
M'Lelland, Wm. 1 1 0
Margetts, T. S. 1 1 0
Alex. Stewart, M. D. 1 1 0
Matheson, Geo. 1 1 0
Bastings, Frederick 1 1 0
Halley, Ebenezer (Dr.) 1 1 0
Adams, C. W. 1 1 0
Walsh, Edward 1 1 0
Harris, James 1 1 0
Simpson, W. Lawrence 1 1 0
Clayton, Henry 1 1 0
Elliott, Robert 1 1 0
Livingstone, Wm. 1 1 0
Subscriptions varying from 2s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. 15 11 6
Fen wick, R., collected at East Taieri Hotel 3 12 0
Fergusson & Mitchell 2 2 0
Fergusson, Wm. (InchClutha) 9 0 0
First Church 8 0 0
Fish, H. S. junr. (Mayor) 3 3 0
Flexman, C. 10 0 0
Friend, A, per D. Borrie 0 10 0
Fulton, F. C. 3 0 0
Fulton, F. C., per A. Dick 3 5 6
Fulton, Wilkie, and others, collected at Mosgiel Show 15 19 6
Fulton, James, W. Taieri 3 0 0
Garden, D. 1 0 0
Gardner, R. S. 1 10 0
Garrick Club 5 0 0
Gilchrist, Mrs. W. 2 2 0
Gordon, W. P. 4 0 6
Governor, H. E. the 10 0 0
Graham, Alex. (Abbotsford) 1 0 0
Granger, Rev. E. H. 5 5 0
Gray, wilson 3 0 0
Gunn & Ross. 1 1 0
Guthrie, Asher & Co. 1 1 0
Haggitt, B. C. 3 3 0
Haggitt, D'Arcy 1 1 0
Hardy, H. F. 3 3 0
Harper, R. & Co. 1 1 0
Harris, R. G. 2 2 0
Haworth, R. & T. 1 1 0
Hay, A. R. 1 1 0
Haydon, W. H. 1 0 0
Hayman, P. & Co. 2 2 0
Hayzen, A. 1 1 0
Hepburn, Geo. 1 1 0
Herbert, Haynes & Co. 5 5 0
Heymanson, Low & Co. 2 2 0
Hill, Thomas 1 1 0
Hindle, G. 1 1 0
Hislop, J. (Education Office) 1 1 0
Hislop, J. (Jeweller) 1 1 0
Hogg & Hutton 1 1 0
Holmes, Matthew, the Hon. 10 10 0
Houghton, H. 1 1 0
Howard, Mrs. 1 1 0
Howorth & Hodgkins 2 2 0
Humphreys, E. W. (Rock and Pillar) 3 7 0
Inglis, A. &T. 40 0 0
Irvin, F. H. 1 1 0
Isaacs, B. (per E. Nathan) 0 10 0
Isaacs & Marks 1 1 0
Jack, A. Hill 6 0 0
Jackson, A. 2 2 0
Jacobs, S. 1 1 0
Johnson; C. B. 1 1 0
Jones, Geo. H. 1 1 0
Jones, J. F. 1 1 0
Jones, Wm. 1 1 0
Josling, A. C. 1 1 0
Judge, H. H. the 3 3 0
Kempthorne, Prosser & Co. 2 2 0
Kirkland, William (1870), Green Island 1 0 0
Kirkland, William (1871), Green Island 1 0 0
Kirkpatrick, Jas. (Wakatip) 2 12 6
Knox Church 40 7 10
Krakour, M. 1 1 0
Lange & Thoneman 2 2 0
Langlands, Wm. 1 1 0
Langmuir, Jno. 3 5 2
Larnach, W. J. M. 5 5 0
Law, Henderson 1 1 0
Lawsou, R. A. 2 2 0
Levi, L. L. 1 1 0
Letham, S. (Waikouaiti) 2 0 0page 23
Licensed Victuallers' Association. 5 0 0
Livingston, A. R. 1 1 0
Lyons, E. (Union Hotel) 2 14 10
Macassey, James. 3 3 0
Main, D. F. (1870) 2 12 6
Main, D. F. (1871) 3 6 0
Mains, J. & D. (Otepopo) 2 2 0
Manning, Jas. (1870) 1 1 0
Martin, F. S. 1 0 0
Martin, R. B. 2 2 0
Marshall & Copeland. 5 5 0
Matheson Bros. 1 1 0
May, Mrs. C. 5 0 0
Menlove, E. 2 2 0
Mercer, A. (1870) 2 2 0
Mercer, A. (1871) 2 2 0
Mercer, A. (purse found) 1 4 0
Miller, W. (Glenore) 3 0 0
Mills, James (Gunmaker) 1 1 0
Mitchell, T. 0 10 6
Morris, A. W. 3 0 0
Moss, M. 1 1 0
M. U. I. O. O. F. (per F.Palmer, Secretary) 13 0 0
Murison, "W. D. 2 2 0
Murray, Roberts & Co. 2 2 0
M'Farlane, A. & J. 1 1 0
M'Gregor, A. (British Hotel) 3 0 0
M'Iutyre, H. (Tapanui) 3 10 0
M 'Keay, W. H. 1 1 0
M'Keay, W. H.(cost) 1 13 0
M'Kellar, Jno. (Tapanui) 7 10 0
M'Kerras, J. T. & Co. 1 1 0
M'Leod, D. (Blacks No. 1) 3 0 0
M'Landress, Hepburn & Co. 2 2 0
M'Naughton, Rev. A. (Anderson's Bay) 10 10 0
Naden, Sergeant 2 0 0
Neill, & Co. 2 2 0
N. T. & A. Land Co. (per G. G. Russell & Co.) 5 5 0
North & Scoullar 1 1 0
Oliver & Ulph 2 2 0
Park & Curle 1 1 0
Pavletich, T. 1 10 0
Pioneer Lodge (per W. Thomson, Treasurer) 2 1 0
Pope, J. H. 4 0 0
Poynter, G. B. (Dalvey Station) 2 0 0
Pogson, Geo. (Cottsbrooke) 6 1 0
Quick, E. E. C. 1 1 0
Ramsav, Keith 1 1 0
Readings Committee (Toko-mairiro) 10 0 0
Reany, J. 110
Reeves & Co. 2 2 0 Regatta Committee (Port
Chalmers) 11 8 0
Reid, Charies 110
Reid, Donald 2 0 0
Reid, G. F. 10 0
Reid, Jas. 1 1 0
Reid, John 1 1 0
Reith & Wilkie 1 1 0
Rennie, A. 2 0 0
Reynolds, W. H. 2 2 0
Richardson, the Hon. Major 5 0 0
Roberts, F. (Kuriwoa) 4 1 0
Roberts, J. T. 1 1 0
Roberts, Mrs. W. H. S. 2 6 0
Robin & Co. 1 1 0
Robinson, T. & Co. (1870) 1 1 0
Robinson, T. & Co. (1871) 1 1 0
Robson, R. (Clutha) 7 9 0
Ross, A. H. 1 1 0
Ross, David 1 1 0
Ross & Glendining 2 2 0
Rowley & Hamilton (Hamiltons) 10 12 0
Russell, G. G. & Co. 2 2 0
Samuel, J. 1 1 0
Sargood, Son & Ewen 5 5 0
Saunders, W. (Tekapo) 2 0 0
Scanlan Bros. & Co. 1 1 0
Scoullar, W. & J. 2 2 0
Service, Gibson & Co. 2 2 0
Shrimski, S. E. 1 0 0
Sievwright, B. 1 1 0
Sinclair, W. 1 1 0
Sise, Geo. L. 1 1 0
Smith, James 3 3 0
Smith, James (Port Chalmers) 1 0 0
Smith & Mitchell 5 0 0
Social Gathering 17 3 6
Somerville, J. (Anderson's Bay) 1 0 0
Souter, W. (Waikouaiti) 6 5 6
St. Paul's Church 19 2 0
Stanley, Rev. T. L. 2 2 0
Stavely & Co. 2 2 0
Steinhoff, Carl 2 2 0
Stewart & Gow 1 1 0
Stewart, W. D. 1 1 0
Street, C. H. 2 2 0
Strode, A. C. 3 3 0
Subscription Boxes-Office Box 1 11 3page 24
Banks 1 6 5
Miss Cane's 0 5 0
Club 0 4 3
R. M. Court, Dunedin 1 1 6
R. M. Court, W. Taieri 1 0 0
Sutherland, D. (Oamarama) 1 0 0
Sutherland & Poison (Wai-taliuna) 5 0 0
Taggart, W. H. 1 1 0
Taine, J. J. 1 1 0
Telford, W. (Otanomomo) 10 0 0
Teschemaker, C. de V. (Kaikanui) 5 12 6
Thomson, Captain, collected at Port Chalmers—Dench, H. 5 5 0
Thomson, Watson 1 1 0
Elder, Wm. 1 1 0
A Friend 1 1 0
Kettle, W. 1 1 0
Drvsdale, J. 1 1 0
A Friend 1 1 0
Darling, Jno. 1 1 0
Wilson, Geo. 1 1 0
Stumbles, Geo. 1 1 0
Dodson, J. H. 1 1 0
Thomson Bros. 1 1 0
Bauchop, R. 1 1 0
Floating Dock Co. 2 0 0
Smaller Sums 4 7 0
Thomson & Co. 1 1 0
Thomson, J. T. 1 1 0
Thomson, Strang & Co. 1 1 0
Tradesmen's Races 16 2 0
Trotter, W. S. (Kingstown) 7 5 0
Turnbull, W. G. & Co. 2 2 0
Turton, G. K. 1 1 0
Von Tunzleman & Picket (Wakatipu) 1 0 0
Wain, Job, junr. 2 2 0
Waitaliuna Ladies and Others 31 0 0
Walden, H. 1 1 0
Wallace, W. 1 1 0
Walter, H. J. 3 3 0
Watson, W. & Sons 2 2 0
Webb, J. S. 1 1 0
White, Wm. (Tokomairiro) 0 7 6
Whittingliam Bros. 5 5 0
Wilkie, Jas. 3 3 0
Wilkinson k Co. 1 1 0
Wilkinson, T. M. 1 1 0
Wilson, R. & Co. 1 1 0
Wise. H. 1 1 0
Wright, Stevenson & Co 2 2 0
Young, George 1 1 0
Young Men's M. I. Society (Otakia) 6 10 0
Ziele, C. & Co. 1 1 0