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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14



Her Majesty the Queen £560,203
The Prince and Princess of Wales 118,110
Prince Alfred 28,302
Prince Arthur 29,000
Princess Royal 8,040
Princess Helena 6,000
Princess Louise 6,000
Duchess of Albany 6,000
Duchess of Cambridge 6,000
Princess Augusta 3,080
Duke of Cambridge 20,862
Prince Mary 5,000
Prince Edward (of Saxe-Weimar) 4,384
Prince Leiningen 593
Prince Victor of Hohenlohe 1,860
Households of deceased Sovereigns 4,881
Grand total of 12 months' payments in connection with the Royal Family (and not including the cost of Royal Parks) £808,316
Taking together the whole of the sums paid to the first 13 individuals on this list (and to 3 others deceased) from Parliamentary Grants, the following enormous total is reached :—
Her Majesty's Civil List (£385,000) 1837-86 £18,865,000
Late Prince Consort's Allowance (£30,000) 1840-61 630,000
Princess Royal (£8,000) 1858-86 £224,000
Dowry 40,000
Prince of Wales (£40 000) 1863-86 £920 000
Marriage vote 23,400
Vote in 1875 60,000
Princess of Wales (£10,000) 1863-86 230,000
Duke of Edinburgh (£15,000) 1866-74 £120,000
(£25,000) 1874-86 300,000
Princess Helena (£6,000) 1866-86 £120,000
Dowry 30,000
Princess Louise (£6,000) 1871-86 £90,000
Dowry 30,000
Late Princess Alice (£6,000) 1862-78 £96,000
Dowry 30,000
Carried forward £21,808,000page 144
Brought forward £21,808,000
Duke of Connaught (£15,000) 1871-9 £120,000
(£25,000) 1879-86 175,000
Late Duke of Albany (£15,000) 1874-82 £120,000
(£25,000) 1882-4 50,000
Duchess of Albany (£6,000) 1884-6 12,000
Duke of Cambridge (£12,000) 1850-85 432,000
Duchess of Cambridge (£6,000) 1850-86 216,000
Princess Augusta (£3,000) 1843-86 129,000
Princess Mary (£3,000) 1850-66 £48,000
(£5,000) 1866-86 100,000

In this computation only grants of Parliament are included, no account being taken of Sinecures, of Military and Naval pay, of Residences which have all been not only rent free but rates and taxes tree to boot, nor of many other items.