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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14

Church Building and Restoration

Church Building and Restoration.

To form an idea of the vigorous development of the Church of England since the Ecclesiastical Commissioners appeared upon the scene, we may summarize the following particulars from official sources. The dates are not continuous, and the first column (which is Lord Hampton's Return), is known page 157 to have been understated by at least £500,000, owing to the omission of many items, and the entire exclusion of all restorations under £500.

Estimated total for the entire period.
1840 to 1874. 1872 to 1881. 1883. 1840-1883.
Canterbury £917,399 £171,090 £54,339 £1,142,000
York 1,291,336 36,465 1,627,000
London 2,770,816 67,030 3,400,000
Durham 687,109 367,447 11,878 1,066,000
Winchester 2,042,873 473,596 27,128 2,543,000
Bangor 161,312 75,650 7,849 244,000
Bath and Wells 728,350 9,325 1,105,000
Carlisle 391,498 90,276 33,891 515,000
Chester 1,119,320 7,099 1,270,000
Chichester 748,389 185,000 53,087 986,000
Ely 884,911 15,000 1,100,000
Exeter 782,305 6,565 1,100,000
Gloucester & B. 992,883 19,838 1,270,000
Hereford 443,641 10,362 650,000
Lichfield 1,177,584 38,546 1,566,000
Lincoln 972,643 660,000 15,288 1,500,000
Liverpool 35,269 70,000
Llandaff 145,111 100,000 10,030 250,000
Manchester 1,510,826 64,368 2,000,000
*Newcastle 1,933 3,000
Norwich 666,338 40,101 1,050,000
Oxford 1,305,357 37,478 1,700,000
Peterborough 674,081 35,896 1,050,000
Ripon 954,622 607,718 44,164 1,600,000
Rochester 1,413,924 70,159 2,000,000
St. Albans 49,737 100,000
St. Asaph 408,371 8,307 550,000
St. Davids 374,453 13,705 430,000
Salisbury 930,000 274,666 7,839 1,212,000
Southwell 16,937 17,000
Sodor and Man 26,220 22,970 50,000
Truro 9,697 20,000
Worcester 1,027,001 318,056 35,659 1,380,000
(£25,548,703) (£894,971) £34,566,000