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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14


page 14


Even true Mason is constantly in search after light, in search for Divine truth. This, and this only, is the Mason's work, and in obtaining it he receives his reward.

A true Mason is a quiet and peaceful citizen, true to his government and just to his country, nor will he in any way countenance disloyalty or rebellion.

A true Mason will be honest and upright in all his dealings. The square and its teachings will be the rule and guide of his conduct in all of his transactions, and in every respect he will be careful to avoid all unjust censure or reproach.

A true Mason will be ready at all times, so far as lies within his power, to assist a needy brother; he will consider his welfare as well as his own; in all his aspirations to Deity, his sorrows and his secrets will be respected. He will at all times speak as well of a brother behind his back as when in his presence; and when he is falling in character and reputation, be ready to render him assistance and support, kindly reminding him of his errors and aid in his reformation.

The true Mason believes in a Supreme Intelligence which pervades and animates all nature—the Infinite One—and will pay him that reverence due from a creature to his Creator. Nor will he use the name by which He is known to us in a light and trifling manner.