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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Session X

Session X.

The Synod met and was constituted. The Moderator in the chair.


The minutes of the two last meetings were read and approved.

Annual public meeting of Synod.

On the motion of Professor Salmond, it was agreed that the Mission Committee be authorised to make all arrangements for the annual public meeting of Synod.

Notice of motion anent Sustentation Fund Committee.

Mr Finlayson gave notice that he would move that in order to prevent, if possible, misunderstanding between the Synod and the Sustentation Fund Committee, it is hereby declared that the Committee are apppointed to apply the regulations to the returns received, and to declare the dividend accordingly, and when in any case the Synod shall make any alteration in the amount payable to any minister, such alteration shall be adjusted by the Committee before declaring the dividend for the following half-year.

Report of Sustentation Fund Committee.

The Synod having resumed consideration of Sustentation Fund Report, it was agreed to remit the case of Waitahuna to the Sustentation Fund Committee for reconsideration. It was resolved to go into Committee to consider

Proposed Deliverance.

the report. The Synod having gone into Committee, it was moved and seconded—That the Synod adopt the report, approve of the diligence of the Committee, record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the convener; express its gratitude to God page 15 for the amount of success which has hitherto attended this fund, yet regret the fact that the equal dividend has not reached £250 per annum, as desired; with the view of attaining the accomplishment of this, adopt the regulations suggested by the Committee, viz.:—
I.That the whole of the Sustentation Fund be in the first instance applied to give a salary of £200 to each minister.
II.That, after such partition, the surplus shall be equally allocated to those ministers whose congregations have subscribed not less than £175 yearly to the fund. Further, empower the Committee to issue schedules to obtain congregational statistics.
It was also moved and seconded, that the Synod adopt the

Amendment on deliverance proposed

report, approve of the diligence of the Committee, record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the convener; and while approving of their efforts to benefit the schemes of the Church by the establishment of the Missionary Record, edited by Professor Salmond with so much painstaking, and recommending it to the churches, refer the proposal to raise the Sustentation Fund to £250 to the Committee, with the view of arriving at such a plan as will secure this sum as the annual dividend, and further remit to the Committee whether it would not promote church extension, and also increase the Sustentation Fund, by withholding from new churches the privilege of the platform of the equal dividend for a term of three or five years, or till they advance their contributions to the sum of £175, it being open to the Synod at any time to raise such churches to the higher platform. Committee to report to next Synod. A vote having been taken, there voted for the amendment 11, and for the motion 31.

The Synod having resumed and the report brought up, it was moved and seconded that the resolution agreed to in Committee be adopted. It was also moved and seconded that the motion and the amendment submitted in Committee be referred to the Sustentation Fund Committee for consideration. Committee to report to next meeting of Synod. A vote having been taken, there voted for the amendment 10, and for the motion 28.

It was moved by Mr Ryley and agreed to, that the

Instruction to Treasurer.

Treasurer be instructed to pay the quarterly bills for printing the Missionary Record, it being understood that none of the funds of the Church suffer in consequence.
page 16

Notice of motion anent Fast Days.

Dr. Stuart gave notice that when the overture anent Fast Days is taken up he would move—That the Synod having learned that while some of the Kirk Sessions do not observe Fast Days, there are those who, notwithstanding their conviction of such days in the circumstances of the Church not being in any considerable degree spiritually advantageous, are yet unwilling without its permission to discontinue their observance, declares that it is the function of the Kirk Sessions to make all arrangements for the dispensation of the Lord's Supper, and recommend, in any action they may take respecting Fast Days, to take care to act in accordance with the mind of the congregations.

Adjourned to meet in this place this evening at 6.30. Closed with prayer.