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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Session II

Session II.

The Synod met and was constituted. The Moderator in the chair.

The Synod spent the first hour in devotional exercises,


page 6


conducted by the Moderator, Messrs Greig, Bethune, Steven, Wright, and Dr. Stuart.

Minutes read

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Letter from Secretary of Dunedin Young Men's Christian Association, intimating that the rooms of the Association were open to the members of the Synod during its sittings, was read. It was agreed to record the thanks of the Synod to the Association.

Notice of motion anent election of trustees.

The Clerk gave notice, on behalf of Mr A. C. Begg: that he would propose the following motion:-That in the opinion of this Synod the present mode of filling up vacancies in the Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property is unsatisfactory, and that the Synod is of opinion that any vacancies in that body should be filled up on the nomination of the supreme court of this Church, and not on the nomination of the remaining members. That the Synod appoint the following Committee to prepare a Bill for submission to the next session of Parliament for the purpose of making this alteration, such Committee to consist of Mr Mackie and Dr. Stuart, ministers; and Messrs W. D. Stewart and A. C. Begg; Mr Mackie, convener.

Report of Committee on Church Extension.

Report of Committee on Church Extension having been called for, was given in by the convener, Dr. Stuart, and read. Overture from Clutha Presbytery on functions of Church Extension Committee was read and supported by Mr Bannerman, also complaint of Southland Presbytery against Church Extension Committee, anent refusal of Committee to send Mr Borrie to Riverton. It was agreed to consider the complaint and the overture before dealing with the report. Thereupon Mr Stobo was heard in support of complaint by Southland Presbytery. Explanations having been made by the convener, the complaint was fallen from. The adoption of overture from Clutha Presbytery having been moved by Mr Bannerman and seconded, it was moved and seconded that the overture be not adopted. A vote having been taken, there voted for the amendment 37, for the motion 2. The amendment was declared carried accordingly.

The further discussion of the Church Extension Report was adjourned to the evening sederunt.


Application by Rev. J. Niven to be received as a minister of this Church, with relative papers having been read and considered, it was agreed to grant the application, page 7 and receive Mr Niven as a minister of this Church, open to a call.
Professor Salmond gave notice that he would move

Nomination of Moderator.

that the Moderator and ex-Moderator be appointed a Committee to nominate, before the rising of the Synod, the next Moderator.
Dr. Copland gave notice that he would move when

Notice of motion on subject of new chair.

returns to remit on subject of new Professorship are taken up—That the Synod institute a second Professorship in the University of Otago, to be designated the chair of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy; and that the Professorship already established by the Synod be henceforth designated the chair of Logic and Mental Science.
Mr. Waters gave notice that he would move that all

Notice of motion on members of Committees.

Standing Committees be in future composed of members from all the Presbyteries; that the Synod fix the times when they shall meet—say, quarterly; that the place of meeting be in Dunedin; and that the members of such Committees be allowed travelling expenses.
Letter from Secretary of Athenaeum Institute, giving

Letter from Secretary of Athenæum Institute.

to the members of Synod access to the Heading Boom and Reference Library of the Institute, was laid on the table and read. It was resolved to record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee of the Institute.

Adjourn to meet in this place this evening at 6.30. Closed with prayer.