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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Session V

Session V.

The Synod met and was constituted. The Moderator n the chair.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Minutes read.

The Synod having resumed consideration of motions

Discussion on Interim Act. Further Amendment.

on Interim Act, it was moved by Mr Kirkland, seconded by Mr Finlayson, that the Synod rescind the Interim Act, with a view of conferring with the Council of the University anent the chairs presently allocated to Professors of Moral Philosophy and English Literature. A vote having been taken between the two last amendments, Mr Banner-man's was carried by a majority of 32 to 21. A vote was then taken between the amendment carried and that of Mr Will, when the former was carried by a majority of 26 to 24. A final vote having been taken between the amendment carried and the original motion, the latter was carried by a majority of 31 to 11. Reasons of dissent (see

Reasons of dissent given in. Committee appointed to answer.

Appendix), signed by himself and others, were given in by Mr Will, and the following Committee were appointed to answer them, viz., Messrs Ryley, Chisholm, and Waters, ministers, and Messrs A. C. Begg, and J. Duncan, elders. Mr Ryley, convener.
Overture on Education from the Presbytery of Dunedin

Overture on Education.

having been called for, was read, and its adoption moved by Mr Will, seconded by Mr Mackie. It was agreed to adjourn the discussion of the overture to the forenoon sederunt of to-morrow.
Adjourned, to meet in this place to-morrow, at 11 a.m.


Closed with prayer.