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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Council of the Convention

Council of the Convention.

The Convention, before adjourning, adopted the following resolutions' authorising a Council to sit in Melbourne:—

Resolution as to a Council of Twenty-One.

That this Convention, before adjourning, do appoint a Committee of twenty-one of its members as a Council of correspondence and administration, to sit in Melbourne, and meet, from time to time, as they shall deem expedient. Such Council to consist of six members from the gold-fields, three from the country districts, and twelve from the metropolitan and suburban districts; and the officers of the Convention to be ex-officio members.

Resolutions Amending the Above.

That the resolution heretofore adopted by this Convention, appointing a Council of twenty-one members to act as a council of correspondence and administration in Melbourne, be so far rescinded that the Council shall not be limited in number, but shall consist of as many members of the Convention as find themselves able to attend. That seven constitute a quorum, provided these seven include one of the officers of the Convention, that is to say, the President, Secretary, or one of the Vice-Presidents, or Treasurers.

That in matters coming before such council, and being of sufficient importance to justify the expense of the necessary circulars and postages, all the members of the Convention be communicated with before any decision in such matters be arrived at. And that such members be at liberty to vote on such questions by proxy, and that their letters in reply to the circulars be accepted as their proxies.