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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 20

Session VI

Session VI.

The Synod met and was constituted. The Moderator in the chair.

Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed.

Mr Gillies moved, in accordance with previous notice, "That in the case of the death or removal from the ministry of this Church of the Moderator of Synod, during the term of his office, the duties pertaining to the Moderatorship devolve upon the next preceding Moderator, being a minister of this Church." The same having been seconded, was unanimously agreed to.

It was remitted to the University Committee to take charge of the books in the Theological Library, with instructions that the books be properly cared for.

Mr. Blake gave notice that he would move that the Synod continue services at the Heads during the year.

Report of Church Extension Committee was read by the Convener, and laid on the table. It was resolved, by a majority of 28 to 3, to approve of the report, and also of the action of the Committee in sending home to the Colonial Committee for two ministers; record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the convener, and instruct the Committee to make application to the Colonial Committee for four ministers in addition to the two already sent for, instead of two additional as recommended in the report.

Report on Dunedin Church properties given in and read. The Synod approved of the report, and instructed the Factor to lease the several available portions of these properties, under advice of the Church Trustees.

Adjourned, to meet in this place on Monday, at 3 o'clock p.m.

Closed with prayer.