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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 20

Presbytery of Oamaru

page 4

Presbytery of Oamaru.

  • Rev. A. B. Todd, Oamaru
  • Rev. John Ryley, Otepopo
  • Rev. John Christie, Waikouaiti
  • Rev. James Clark, Palmerston
  • Rev. J. M'Cosh Smith, Naseby
  • Rev. James Baird, Hampden
  • Mr. James L. Hassell
  • Mr. Hector Brown
  • Mr. David Gardner
  • Mr. John Reith

The roll having been made up and called over, the Synod proceeded to elect a Moderator for the next twelve months, when the Rev. Mr. Bannerman, of Clutha, was unanimously chosen, who took the chair accordingly and suitably addressed the Synod.

Rev. John M. Allan, of Waihola, was appointed Clerk during the meeting of Synod, and the Clerks of Presbyteries were appointed a committee to attend to the printing of the Synod's Proceedings—Mr. Stobo, convener.

Commission in favor of Rev. James Nish, of Sandhurst, from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, appointing him to represent that Church before this Synod, was given in and read. Mr. Nish having been introduced by Rev. J. H. M'Naughton, was welcomed by the Synod and associated with it.

It was reported from the Presbytery of Dunedin, that the Rev. Mr. A Ives, of Kaikorai, had demitted his charge; that Mr. Alexander Blake had been inducted into the pastoral charge of Kaikorai; and that Rev. George Sutherland, of First Church, Dunedin, had demitted his charge. From the Presbytery of Clutha it was reported that the Rev. A. B. Arnot, of Balclutha, had demitted his charge; that the Rev. Andrew Bett had been ordained to the pastoral charge of Tapanui; that Rev. James Kirkland, of Inch Clutha, had been translated to Hokitika; that Rev. John M'Ara, had been ordained to the pastoral charge of Balclutha; and that Rev. James Haynes Cameron had been ordained to the Pastoral charge of Lawrence. From the Presbytery of Southland it was reported that the Rev. Charles S. Ross had been inducted to the pastoral charge of Riverton, and Rev. J. M. Thomson to that of Winton and Forest Hill.

The Moderator and Clerk of Synod, the Clerks of Presbyteries, and Messrs. James Copland, M.D., James Chisholm, Donald Ross, and John Christie, ministers, and Messrs. Alexander Rennie, John Stenhouse, John Cumming, and David Gardner, elders, were declared the committee on Bills and Overtures, etc. It was agreed that the same be appointed a committee to arrange the order of business—the Moderator, convener.

Messrs. Stobo, Johnston, Waters, Todd, ministers, and Messrs. Wales, Brown, Cumming, and Anderson, Mr. Stobo convener, were appointed a Committee to revise records of Presbyteries, and of standing committees.

The Moderator, and Messrs. Gillies, Will, Copland, Waters, Allan, Todd, Ryley, Clark, Stobo, and Ross, Mr. Gillies convener, were appointed a committee to receive returns on Rules of Procedure, and to report.

Dr. Stuart reported that a friend had agreed to give the Princeton Review for one year to each of the thirty-five ministers of Synod for five page 5 shillings each. It was agreed to accept the offer with thanks, and the clerk was instructed to send extract of this minute to the General Treasurer, with instructions to arrange for the offer being carried into effect.

It was agreed that the first hour of tomorrow's sederunt be spent in devotional exercises.

It was agreed to hold the Annual Missionary Meeting on Monday evening.

The conveners of standing committees were appointed a committee to nominate standing committees for the year, Mr. Gillies convener.

Adjourned to meet in this place tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Closed with prayer.