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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

The Royal Society of New South Wales

The Royal Society of New South Wales.

The annual meeting of the Royal Society of New South Wales was held on 3rd May, in the Society's large hall, Elizabeth street. There was a good attendance, and Mr. H. C. Russell, the president, occupied the chair.

Several new members were introduced.

Mr. P. N. Trebeck moved, and Mr. W. G. Murray seconded, the adoption of the following report, which was taken as read:—

"It affords the council much pleasure to report that the affairs of the Society show increasing prosperity. The number of new members elected during the year was 46; one name was restored to roll. The Society lost by death 3 members, by resignation 6; 10 were struck page 110 off the roll for non-payment of the annual subscription; the election of 5 new members was cancelled on account of non-payment of the entrance-fee and subscription. The actual increase is therefore 24, and the total number of members on the 30th April, 1882, 475. The Society's Journal, vol, xiv, for 1880, has been duly distributed to all the members entitled to it, and it is expected that vol. xv will be ready shortly. At the council meeting held on March 22nd, 1882, it was unanimously resolved to award the Clarke medal for the year 1882 to James Dwight Dana, LL.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy of Yale College, New Haven, United States of America, in recognition of his eminent work as a naturalist, and especially in reference to his geological and other labours in Australia when with the United States Exploring Expedition round the world in 1839. During the past year the Society has received 645 volumes and pamphlets as donations; in return it has presented 531 volumes to various kindred societies. The council has subscribed to 39 scientific journals and publications, and has made important additions to the library, notably 90 volumes of 'The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,' thus completing the series from the year 1801 to the present time. In all, the sum of £206 19s. has been spent upon the library during the past year. During the year the Society has held eight meetings, at which 13 papers were read; and three of the sections have held regular monthly meetings. A conversazione was held in the great hall of the University on the 28th September last, which was attended by about 600 members and their friends. The council reports that during the past year the mortgage upon the building has been reduced from £2,000 to £1,500, and during that period the sum of £25 4s. has been received towards the building fund, of which £10 10s has been paid by those members who have kindly promised an annual subscription of one guinea; the amount now standing to the credit of this fund is £35 12s. 3d. The council hopes that during the ensuing session the members will make an effort to greatly lessen, if not entirely clear off, the debt upon the Society's premises. During the past year the sum of £23 18s. was received by the hon. treasurer, from thirteen members of the Royal Society of New South Wales, towards the Biological Laboratory, Watson's Bay, which, together with a contribution of £25 from the Society's funds, making £48 18s., has been handed over to that institution. At a meeting held by the council on the 26th October, it was resolved that the Society should offer prizes of £25 each for the best communication containing the results of original research or observation upon certain subjects to be set forth from time to time. A circular containing eight subjects, and the conditions to be observed in competing, &c., has been freely distributed throughout the Australian Colonies, Europe, and America. The Bill for incorporating the Society was approved by the Parliament of New South Wales on December 16, 1881; the thanks of the Society are due to Mr. G. H. Reid, member for East Sydney, for introducing the Bill; the Hon. Professor Smith, C.M.G., for taking charge of it in the Council; and to Mr. Heron, the Society's solicitor, for the preparation of the draft, and for his attention to all legal matters connected with its passage through both Houses."

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The balance-sheet showed that the receipts for the year, including a balance in the Union Bank of £8 15s. 7d., were £1,048 0s. 3d., while the expenditure was £987 7s. 10d., leaving a balance in the bank of £60 12s. 5d. The building fund account showed a balance in hand of £35 12s. 3d., and the Clarke memorial fund account, £218 2s. 3., which is placed in the Oriental Bank as a fixed deposit.

The motion was put, and adopted unanimously.

The ballot for the election of the officers and council was taken, and the result afterwards announced as follows:—President, Mr. Chr. Eolleston, C.M.G.: Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Robert Hunt, F.G.S., and F. N. Manning, M.D.; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. G. A. Wright, M.R.C.S.E., and L.S.A., Lond.; Hon. Secretaries, Professor Liversidge and Dr. Leibius; members of council, Messrs. H. C. Russell, B.A., F.R.A.S., W. A. Dixon, F.C.S., C. S. Wilkinson, F.G.S., Charles Moore, F.L.S., G. D. Hirst, W. G. Murray.

The following new members were also elected:—Messrs. Samuel Corn well, jun., Fletcher Dixon, Alfred G. Milson, James Milson, Alexander James O'Reilly, B.A., (Cantab.), Alfred Shewen, Mark W. Trail, Sydney A. Want.

Reports from the sectional committees were read, showing that the following officers had been elected for the session:—Microscopy: Chairman, H. G. A. Wright, M.R.C.S.E.; Secretary, P. R. Pedley; Committee, Dr. Ewan, F. B. Kyngdon, G. D. Hirst, H. O. Walker. Medical: Chairman, Dr. P. Sydney Jones; Secretaries, Dr. H. N. Maclaurin, Thomas Evans, M.R.C.S.E.; Committee, T.C.Morgan, L.R.C.S., Edin., A. Roberts, M.R.C.S.E., Dr. Mackellar, G. Bedford, M.R.C.S.E., Dr. Craig Dixson, Dr. Ewan*