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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

Annual Report of the Dunedin Branch

Annual Report of the Dunedin Branch.

Meetings—In all, eight regular meetings were held during the year, the attendance'of members at each being fairly satisfactory.

Papers, &c.—Fewer papers were read this year than in any other, a circumstance attributable mainly to the want of a fixed system of securing contributors. In September the President introduced for discussion a system of "Mutual help in schools." November 4th: Mr. Jas. Jeffery read a paper on "The English Language." March 3rd: The Secretary introduced for discussion the Otago Pupil Teachers' Regulations. June 2nd: Mr. Jas. Rennie read a paper on "The Insecurity of Teachers' tenure of position in New Zealand."

Membership.—The question of membership came on for consideration at the last meeting of the Branch, when it was unanimously resolved to issue circulars with a view of securing the countenance and active assistance of the many teachers in our midst. This step has resulted in a substantial addition to our membership roll.

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W. J. Moore,

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Collls, Colling, and Co., Printers,

Crawford Street.