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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

During the Seventh Circuit

During the Seventh Circuit.

A Psalm of David.
The earth, O Lord! belongs to Thee, And all that in it dwell,
For Thou hast built it on the sea, Above the ocean's swell.
O Lord! Who shall ascend Thy hill—Dwell in Thy holy place?
Whose heart and hands are free from ill, Imbued with heavenly grace;
Whose soul from vanity is free, Who hath not sworn deceitfully;
Such men a blessing shall receive From Thee, Almighty Lord,
Who in Thy saving power believe, And trust Thy holy word;
These are the men of Israel's race, who hope to gaze upon Thy face.

The Ark is opened, and the Reader and Choristers chant:

Ye yates, uprear your lofty heights, Above all earthly domes,
Doors of Eternity, fly back, The King of Gory comes.
The King of Glory! Who is he? The strong and mighty Lord,
Whose presence bringeth victory, The sole Almighty God.
Ye gates, uprear your lofty heights, Above all earthly domes,
Doors of Eternity, fly back, the King of Glory comes.
The King of Glory! Who is he Whose coming ye proclaim?
The Lord of all Eternity! Praised be His hallow'd name.