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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 28

Moral Philosophy

page 25

Moral Philosophy.

I. Prizes awarded by the Votes of the Students for General Eminence in the Essays and Examinations of the Session.

The Buchanan Medal.

  • John H. Muirhead.

Senior Division.

1.James Kidd, Glasgow.
2.William Smith, Glasgow.
3.William Brownlie, Glasgow.
4.Alexander Morton, Glasgow.
5.John M. M'Donald, Strachur Manse, Argyllshire.
6.John Yellowlees, Stirling.
7.James K. Scott, Birkenhead.

Junior Division.

1.James Lambie, Lochwinnoch.
2.David Wilson, Glasgow.
3.Robert B. Pattie, Glasgow.
4.James Duff, Helensburgh.
5.William M. Rankin, Stra' ven.
6.John Drever, Jamestown.
7.James Ferguson, Glasgow.

II. Prizes for Excellence in Written Examinations on the Lectures delivered during the Session.

1.John H. Muirhead, Glasgow.
2.James Lambie, Lochwinnoch.
3.John R. Wilson, Glasgow.

III. Vacation Exercises.

A. Open to Students of Session 1873-74.

An Examination on Kant's Critiques of Pure and Practical Reason. Ebenezer B. Speirs, Millport.

B. Open to Students of Session 1874-75.

1.An Examination on Ferrier's Lectures on Greek Philosophy. John H. Muirhead, Glasgow.
2.An Examination on Plato's Republic. John H. Muirhead, Glasgow.