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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 30

"F. D. Fenton, "Chief Judge Native Land Court. "Tauranga, 28th June, 1879


F. D. Fenton

, "Chief Judge Native Land Court. "Tauranga,

"Chief Judge Fenton, Auckland.

"I have asked the telegraph office to repeat the message for you. Before proceeding further, I would request you to be good enough to state re Schedule A. what reasons induce you to desire to depart from or alter your present practice. 2nd. "What grounds have you to assume that the scheme proposed would answer sufficiently well to justify us in stereotyping it a rule without trial. Re Schedule B., what reasons have induced you to ask for this rule? What statutory power do you rely upon to warrant our prescribing rates to be paid for surveys to be performed.


J. A. Wilson

, Judge."