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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 30

3. Additional Subjects

page 30

3. Additional Subjects.

Recitation.—As for Standard V.

Singing.—As for Standard V.

Needlework and Drill.—See Regulations 22 and 12.

Extra Drawing.—See Regulation 18.

17. In any one year Classes S4 and S5 may be taught and examined together in the history prescribed for Standard V., but, in that case, in the next year S4 and S5 must be taught and examined in the history prescribed for Standard IV. Similarly in any year S4 may be taught and examined with S5 in the geography prescribed for Standard V., except that S4 will not have to pass in mathematical and physical geography, nor to draw other maps than those prescribed for Standard IV.; but, in that case, in the next year S5 must substitute, for geography of New Zealand, Great Britain, and the European Continent, the general geography of the world and Australia prescribed for Standard IV.

18. The drawing required as a pass-subject or temporarily as a class-subject for the several standards shall be as follows:—

Standard I. Straight lines of different lengths and in different positions, such lines joined at different angles, and connected to form simple figures and designs. This work is to be done without ruler.

Standard II. Similar work of a more advanced character.

Standard III. Freehand drawing of regular forms and curved figures from the flat.

Standard IV. Freehand drawing from the flat, and from simple rectangular and circular models. Drawing to scale. Simple geometrical figures with rules and instruments.

Standard V. The same as IV., with the addition of easy common objects. Plans and elevations of plane figures and rectangular solids in simple positions. Simple scales.

Standard VI. The same as V., but of greater difficulty and including sections.

These definitions may be clearly illustrated by a series of drawing-books to be issued by authority of the Minister of Education, and any drawing-book issued by such authority shall be an authoritative example of the kind of work required by this regulation.

[Note.—The pupils should be taught as early as possible to draw from actual objects, such as the doors, windows, furniture, and apparatus of the schoolroom.]

Drawing may be taught as an "additional subject" for any standard higher than Standard III. Such drawing for any standard may be the drawing prescribed for a higher standard, or some drawing not prescribed as a pass subject.

19. The instruction in elementary science for Standards IV., V., and VI. shall be based on a programme, which shall be prepared by the head-teacher, to show the distribution of the subject over a three-years' course of lessons. The programme must include such elementary knowledge of physics, and such a conception of chemical action as may be imparted by the proper use of Professor Bickerton's "Materials for Lessons in Elementary Science," and must also include instruction in elementary mechanics, or in such elementary physiology as may be learnt from Mrs Buckton's "Health in the House," or in botany, or some other subject recognised by the Inspector as equivalent to one of these; provided, however, that if agricultural chemistry be efficiently taught, no other elementary science shall be required for these standards.

20. The object-lessons, and lessons on natural history, manufactures, and common things, for Standards I., II., and III., are intended as an introduction to the elementary science lessons for the higher standards. Classes S1 and S2, or S1, S2 and S3, may be taught and examined together in these subjects if the programme of lessons is varied from year to year so that on the whole the work prescribed for page 31 two or three classes shall be done in two or three years as the case may be; or S3 may be instructed in elementary science with any higher class, and even Si and S2 may, instead of receiving lessons on objects, &c., be instructed in the elementary science prescribed for the higher standards, if the instruction in elementary science is oral, illustrative, and experimental, and is, in the teacher's judgment, adapted to the capacity of the lower classes and fitted to promote the development of their faculties.

21. Any order of instruction in singing other than that prescribed in the standards will be recognised as of equivalent value if the result be good singing, sufficient theoretical knowledge, and careful training of the lower classes, as well as the higher.

22. All the girls in any public school in which there is a mistress or assistant mistress shall learn needlework, and, if the Inspector is satisfied that the instruction in this subject is thoroughly systematic and efficient, he may judge all other work done by the girls more leniently than that done by the boys in such a degree as would be implied in reducing by 10 per cent, the minimum marks required for any examination pass. To secure full approval, the needlework of the several classes must be according to the following programme:—

S1. Threading needles and hemming. (Illustration of work: Strips of calico or a plain pocket-handkerchief).

S2. The foregoing, and felling, and fixing a hem. (Illustration: A child's pinafore.)

S3. The foregoing and stitching, sewing on strings, and fixing all work up to this stage. (A pillow-case, or woman's plain shift, without bands or gathers.)

S4. The foregoing, and button-holing, sewing on buttons, stroking, setting in gathers, plain darning and fixing. (A plain day or night shirt.)

S5. The foregoing, and whipping, a tuck run, sewing on frill, and gathering. (A night-dress with frills.)

S6. Cutting out any plain garment and fixing it for a junior class; darning stockings (fine and coarse) in worsted or cotton; grafting; darning fine linen or calioo; patching the same; darning and patching fine diaper.

If knitting is learnt it shall be in the following order: A strip of plain knitting; knitted muffatees, ribbed; a plain-knitted child's sock; a long-ribbed stocking.

23. In case of any misunderstanding arising as to the meaning of any part of these regulations, the Minister of Education may declare what is to be taken as the meaning, and his interpretation shall be binding upon all persons to whom it is comunicated, and shall, if declared by publication in the New Zealand Gazette, have equal force with these regulations.

24. Standard IV. as defined in these regulations shall be the standard of Education prescribed under "The Education Act, 1877," section 90, subsection 4.

25. These regulations shall come into force on the first day of January, 1886, and shall supersede all former regulations relating to the inspection and examination of schools.

Printed at the "Lyttelton Times" Office, Gloucester street, Christchurch.