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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 41

Examination for Teachers' Certificates

page 18

Examination for Teachers' Certificates.

The arrangements for holding the annual Examination of Teachers, Normal College students, and generally of candidates, of either sex, for employment as teachers in connection with the Department of Public Education, are as follows:—

A. Elementary or Third-Class Certificate.

I. Candidates for this certificate, which qualifies the holder for the charge of an undenominational school of the 3rd class, or of an ordinary mission or native school, will be examined in:—
(1.)The English Language; Reading, Dictation, Grammar.
(2.)Arithmetic; including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Practice, Proportion and Simple Interest.
(3.)Descriptive and Physical Geography.
(5.)School Management.
II. Candidates may also present themselves for examination in one, but only one, of the five following languages:—
(a.)Dutch, German, French.
(b.)Kafir, Scsuto (specially required of native teachers).

III. Those who distinguish themselves in the examination will have the words "with honours" marked on their certificates.

IV. The next examination will be held in Cape Town, and at other centres, in September, 1880; and candidates are required to send in their names, with age and testimony to good character, before the 1st August next, to the Superintendent-General of Education, Cape Town.

V. The candidates must be at least sixteen years of age.

VI. The possession of an elementary teacher's certificate, or of some higher and duly recognised certificate, is indispensable to those seeking employment in schools connected with this department.

VII. Special arrangements will be made for holding the Examination in other places, besides Cape Town, if timely notice is given, and there is a sufficient number of candidates at any one place.

B. Middle-Class Certificate.

I. Candidates for this certificate, which qualifies the holder for the charge of a public school (boys') of the second class or of a public school (girls'), of the first class; or for an assistant teachership in a public school (boys'; of the first class, will be examined in:—
(1.)English—Reading, Grammar and Analysis, and Composition.
(2.)Elementary Mathematics; Arithmetic, with Mensuration, as far as the measurement of plane rectilineal figures; and the practical use of Logarithms; Algebra, to quadratic equations, inclusive; Geometry, the Books I to IV inclusive, with simple deductions.
(3.)Latin—Grammatical Exercises; translation of passages page 19 from ordinary Latin Works read in schools; and the rendering of English passages into Latin.
(4.)Penmanship and Free-hand Drawing.
(5.)School Management—Theory and Practice.

II. (a) Candidates are required: (1) to teach a class in the presence of examiner; (2) to answer questions in writing on school organization, and on the methods of teaching—reading, spelling, writing, geography, and history; (3) to write notes of lessons on common objects, &c.

(b.) Candidates who are not already teachers in connection with the department, must produce satisfactory evidence of having gone through a definite course of practical school training.

III. Candidates are at liberty to present themselves for examination in the following additional subjects:
(a.)Dutch, or French, or German (one).
(b.)Outlines of Chemistry or Elementary Physics.

IV. In English, candidates should thoroughly study Milton, Book I, with Macaulay's Essay on Milton; and Shakespeare, Henry VIII; in Latin, Æneid, Book IX, and Cæsar de Bello Gallico, Book I.

V. The examination will be both oral and written, and accuracy in spelling and composition is highly valued. The work done by candidates is expected to be methodically arranged, clearly expressed, and neatly written; and although no separate paper is set for geography and the history of the British Empire, the exercises in English composition and the examination in method will indirectly test the candidate's knowledge of these subjects.

VI. Those who distinguish themselves in the examination will have the words "with honours" marked on their certificates; and holders of the certificates with honours, provided that they have gone through the prescribed course in a Normal College will, after three years' satisfactory service, be accepted as qualified for the post of principal of a first-class school; and notice to that effect will be endorsed on the certificate.

VII. The examination tor this certificate will be held only in Cape Town, in December, 1880; and candidates are required to send in their names, with evidence of age and training, and testimony to good character, before the 1st October, to the Superintendent-General of Education, Cape Town.

VIII. Candidates must be at least eighteen years of age.

IX. This examination is open to Normal College Students of either sex at the close of their second year's course.


Certificates of competency as elementary teachers will be granted without examination, upon the special report and recommendation of the Deputy-Inspector, to teachers who satisfy the following conditions:—
I.They must (a) be thirty years of age; and (b) have given satisfaction as teachers of Schools in connection with this department for at least five years; and (c) produce satisfactory testimony of good charactcr.
II.The Deputy-Inspector must report (a) that they are efficient teachers and their Schools are in every respect satisfactory; and (b) that not less than fifteen per cent, of the scholars presented at the last examination passed in the third or some higher standard.
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D. Registered Teachers.

Teachers who hold no certificate from this department, but have obtained other recognised certificates, or academic distinctions or degrees) can have their qualifications registered by sending the original documents to this office for examination.