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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 42

Simply Human

Simply Human.

They are not divine They are equally precious in the eyes of the God Christianity, but only in the sight of the Christian's God, and the eyes of national laws founded on that religion. Turkish men and women are not regarded by the laws of their country as of equal importance. Not in India, nor in Japan, nor in China, only where the benignant rays of Christianity have fallen are the sexes of equal importance in the laws of page 7 the land. There is, however, a great deal of old Paganism coated over, with mediæval Romanism, spread upon much that is called Christianity. But only the ignorant and the wilfully blind are unable to detect the heterogeneous compound. The New Testament is the only standard of Christianity, and in its light alone can the religion of Christ be judged. Does that New Testament discourage enquiry and careful investigation into its truths? Is it not rather a fact that those who for themselves anxiously examine the things set before them as facts, are contrasted with great commendation with those who do not? Then how dare any man tell us that Christianity discountenances the spirit of active investigation? I now propose to review a few things said about our religion and Bible by that