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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 45

Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited)

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Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited).

The "Pocket Guide" to the Company's Steam Services and the Government Railways of New Zealand is published Monthly, and can be had, gratis, at any of the Company's Branches or Agencies throughout the Colonies.

The dates throughout the various Services therein given will be adhered to as closely as possible, but the Company reserve the right to despatch Steamers in advance of or later than the dates named, and cannot be responsible for any loss or inconvenience occasioned thereby.

The following Starting Signals will be used by the Company's Steamers:—One long and one short blast of whistle at least 15 minutes before starting; one long and two short blasts 5 minutes before starting; one long and three short blasts immediately before starting.

The general conditions on which Passengers are booked are stated fully on the back of the Passage Ticket issued by the Company.

Passengers taking out Tickets to distant Ports can remain at any intermediate Port en route, such Tickets being available for three months from date of issue.

Return Ticket holders will be permitted to remain three months at the Port for which they are booked, and return by the first Steamer of the Company after that period.

Tickets are on no account transferable.

Children over two years of age and under 12, when accompanied by adults, will be charged for at half-rate.

All classes of passengers are victualled by the Company in a liberal style. Saloon passengers are also provided with bedding and other requisites—Steerage passengers are not provided with bedding.

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Printed Wine Lists are exhibited on board the Company's steamers, shewing wines and other liquors that are kept in stock, and the prices charged.

As the Company desires to supply only liquors of the best quality, it is particularly requested that any one having complaint to make in reference thereto will communicate with the head of provedoring department in Dunedin.

Each adult Cabin Passenger will be allowed 20 cubic feet, free.

Each adult Steerage Passenger will be allowed 10 cubic feet, free.

All in excess of this quantity must be paid for at the current rate of freight.

The Company cannot hold itself responsible for any loss or damage to or detention of baggage under any circumstances. Merchandise will not be allowed to be carried under the designation of baggage.

To avoid mistakes or confusion in the delivery of baggage, Passengers are urged to have each package fully and securely addressed. Where Labels are used, it is important that they should be securely pasted, stitched, or tacked on, otherwise they are liable to be torn off in handling on board. Labels should not be attached with strings. Gummed slips, with Port of Destination printed thereon in colours, are supplied on application at any of the Company's Branches or Agencies.

As it is the Company's desire to study the comfort and convenience of the travelling public as far as practicable, any communication to Head Office embodying suggestions in that direction will receive attention, and any well-grounded complaints shall be promptly enquired into.

The Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland newspapers are kept filed at the Company's Melbourne and Sydney Offices, for the convenience of New Zealanders visiting those cities.