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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47



Coal is used to some extent in Victoria, and costs 10 to 11 dollars (40s. to 44s. English) per ton. Wood is the common fuel, and farmers generally have enough on their land. The price in the seaboard towns is, say 3½ to 4 dollars (14s. to 16s. English) per "cord" of firewood delivered. A cord is 8 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet broad. Wood is dearer at the gold mines. It must be cut after delivery into suitable lengths for household use. This will cost about dollar (6s. English) per cord, but many householders themselves cut it.*

* Fuel in Eastern Canada is rather an expensive item; being nearly equal to the rent. Wood costs there in the country from 5s. to 20s. per cord, and in cities from 20s. to 30s., besides the cost of sawing and chopping, which is from 4s. to 6s. additional. This latter item, however, can be saved, if the workman will saw and chop the wood himself, which is almost universally the case. Coal is burnt only in the cities and largest towns of Eastern Canada. The price is from 29s. to 33s. a ton for the ordinary soft coal, which is burnt in the open grates, and from 31s. to 39s. for the hard anthracite coal, which is burnt in the stoves. A cord of wood contains 128 cubic feet, the load containing a cord generally being 8 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet broad. A cord of wood is usually considered equal in heating and lasting power to half a ton of coal, and lasts about a month in winter and about two months in summer.