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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 52

The Farmer of Kent

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The Farmer of Kent.

Buckle crest of the Cobden Club

Good farmers, give ear, for this tale is for you,
And it's one, as you'll find, not too strange to be true.
It relates to a farmer of Kent,
Who complain'd to himself, as he walk'd out one day,
"Here I've toil'd many years on this cold, hungry clay,
And what money I had that's not melted away
Will soon all be swallowed in rent."
Chorus: "Rent, Rent, Rent!
Will soon all be swallowed in rent."

Then he went to the Landlord, and "Landlord," quoth he,
"That farm on the hill has well-nigh ruin'd me,
For my capital's nearly all spent;
What to do with that soil in these times I can't guess,
And the truth is, I'm now in that state of distress
That, unless you are willing to take one-half less,
I never can pay you your rent."
Chorus: " Rent, Rent, Rent!
I never can pay you your rent."

"Worthy farmer," the Landlord replied, "understand
That the one thing we want is Protection for land;
We must keep foreign corn out of Kent.
Come with me to the poll, vote as I shall advise,
And then open your mouth (but be sure close your eyes),
page break And what good things will drop in you'll see with surprise,
But pray say no more about rent."
Chorus: "Rent, Rent, Rent!
But pray say no more about rent."

The Landlord was civil, the farmer obey'd,
With his help a monopolist Member was made,
And straightway to Parliament sent.
Laws were pass'd to decree that the poor man might die,
But that food from abroad should no starving wretch buy;
"And yet," said the farmer, "no better am I,
For my profit goes always in rent!"
Chorus: " Rent, Rent, Rent!
For my profit goes always in rent."

But in vain to the Landlord again he complain'd;
The Landlord said, knowing his object was gained,
"You may quit if you can't be content.
As to lowering your farm, that's all fiddle-de-dee;
(Then aside) don't you wish you may get it?" said he,
"Protection, you fool, was intended for me,
And its use is to keep up my rent!"
Chorus: " Rent, Rent, Rent!
And its use is to keep up my rent."

"Well-a-day," said the farmer, "let those laugh who win,
But I'll not be a second time so taken in
By monopolist Landlords of Kent;
Try an old bird with chaff, and to catch him you'll fail.
I now see through the juggle of Peel's sliding scale—
Protection's a cheat and the end of the tale
Is—the Corn Laws mean nothing but rent!"
Chorus: " Rent, Rent, Rent!
The Corn Laws mean nothing but rent."

Messrs. Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage Yard, London, E. C., supply this Leaflet in packets of 100, price 1s.