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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 62

The Laws

The Laws.

The laws, which are modelled after those of England, with many additions and improvements, are both just and humane; and are administered by honest judges, impartially, to rich and poor alike. Litigation is more simple and less costly than at home. As far as Acts of Parliament can effect the purpose, New Zealanders are compelled to be honest, moral, and sober, legally. In fact, the New Zealand Houses of Parliament are sometimes accused of "grandmotherly legislation." But surely the Socialist reformer should be happy in New Zealand, for there every "point" in the charter and all the most advanced Liberal doctrines (except Free Trade) are carried into practice. Triennial parliaments, manhood suffrage, payment of all representatives, responsibility of ministers direct to the electors, and so forth, are all in full swing in New Zealand. Also you may marry the sister of your deceased wife (if it is any comfort to you!) in New Zealand.