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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 69



Under the head of "Grain," the following quantities and values are tabulated for the periods stated, as having been exported from the colony:—
Bushels. £
1853-1855 304,911 142,363
1856-1860 393,733 126,616
1861-1865 46,985 12,297
1866-1870 2,200,551 386,327
1871-1875 5,008,972 1,001,875
1876-1880 14,619,011 2,682,651
1881-1885 26,689,678 4,420,935
1886-1887, and 1888 12,426,579 1,522,251

It may, perhaps, here not be out of place to quote a few paragraphs from the report of Mr. Proctor Baker, who was appointed by the Royal Commissioners to report on the grain sections in the Colonies and Indian Exhibition of 1886.

"The average produce of over 26 bushels of wheat per acre, and over 32 bushels of barley, places New Zealand in the position of being among the most prolific countries in the world . . . . . .The samples of wheat shown in sheaf by the Canterbury Association are so remarkable as to be placed on record. . . . . . . In fact, nothing finer than these wheats has probably ever been seen. The wheats of commerce which are shipped to England do not approach in quality these fine specimens . . . . . .The samples of barley were simply magnificent, and such barley as the Chevalier would bring enormous prices in England . . . . . In the quality of its oats, again, New Zealand is in one front rank. The samples of potato oats are unsurpassable . . . . . In all the chief grains, New Zealand has shown by these samples a production of superb quality and in prolific quantities"