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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

Portland Cement

Front Cover

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The Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Limited.

The Milburn Lime and Cement Company

Head Office: Cumberland Street, Dunedin.

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Dunedin, N.Z.,

Dear Sir,

We published in 1891 a small pamphlet, advertising our success in obtaining the First Award at "The N.Z. & S.S. Exhibition against the world, also a Special Award, for the best Cement exhibited." That the Awards were fully appreciated by us goes without saying, and that we have been jealous of maintaining the good opinion expressed by the jurors is evidenced by the general favour our "Maori Brand" has obtained throughout New Zealand.

We have now an established reputation for producing a Portland Cement guaranteed fully equal to the best average English Cement—it is therefore obvious that the use of the guaranteed local article will be more satisfactory than that of the imported Cements, which may be good, bad, or indifferent.

We now offer for your acceptance the accompanying notes on Portland Cement, at the same time heartily thanking the numerous architects, engineers, contractors and others who have so loyally supported our industry.

We are,

Yours faithfully,

Milburn Lime & Cement Co. Ltd.
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Portland Cement.


IIt will, no doubt, be of interest to our readers who may not have expert knowledge of this subject, to have a concise description of the method of manufacture, mode of testing, and general information as to the uses and proper treatment of Portland Cement.


To John Smeaton—the engineer of the memorable Eddystone Lighthouse (built about the year 1756)—must be given the honour of first discovering "the real cause of the water-acting properties of limes and cements consisted in a combination of clay with carbonate of lime." This discovery overset the prejudices of more than 2,000 years adhered to by all former writers, from Vitruvius in ancient Rome to Belidor in modern France and Semple in England, who all asserted "that the superiority of lime consisted in the hardness and whiteness of the stone."

Dr. Michaelis, of Berlin (our highest authority on cement), says, "The Eddystone Lighthouse is the foundation upon which our knowledge of hydraulic mortars has been erected, and is the chief pilar of modern architecture. Smeaton freed us from the fetters of tradition by showing us that the purest and hardest of limestone is and the best—at least for hydraulic purposes—and that the cause of hydraulicity must be sought for in the argillaceous admixture."

The next step of importance was the obtaining of letters patent by Joseph Aspdin, a bricklayer of Leeds, in the year 1824 for a method of making a cement or artificial stone, which he called "Portland Cement"—from its similarity to Portland Stone—thus originating its present name.

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Many other patents were granted about this time for [unclear: making] artificial hydraulic lime, but to Aspdin probably belongs the [unclear: discovery] that a high temperature is essential in order to obtain a higher [unclear: specs] gravity, and thus produce a superior article to hydraulic lime.

The first works established were erected by Frost in 1825, [unclear: subs] quently purchased by Messrs. White, but owing to the keen [unclear: competition] by the makers of Roman Cement, little headway was made [unclear: u] the superiority of Portland Cement over Roman was [unclear: established.] 1850 the process was so crude, and the article held in so little [unclear: estimation], that there were only four small factories in operation.

In England alone there are now about 9,000,000 barrels [unclear: made] each year. The process is practically the same as that [unclear: adopted] years ago. With the exception of a few factories in the [unclear: midland] counties, all the cement is manufactured on the Thames and [unclear: Medway]

The consumption of cement throughout the world is [unclear: enormous]-Europe producing over 20,000,000 barrels per annum.

Germany commenced making cement in 1852—to-day there [unclear: a] over 60 large works, with an annual output equal to that of [unclear: England] The raw materials used in Germany are not so pure nor so [unclear: easi] manipulated as those obtained in England, yet with scientific [unclear: method] and very cheap labour this country has produced a cement equal [unclear: t] the best English article at a price that enables it to command a [unclear: large] share of the world's consumption.

In France the industry has grown very slowly. In 1880 [unclear: the] production was estimated at 750,000 barrels per annum, at the [unclear: present] day it has increased to nearly 2,000,000 barrels. The works of [unclear: the] "French Cement Co.," which is the largest factory in the world, [unclear: tu] out about 800,000 barrels per annum.

Russia has about eight Portland Cement works, producing [unclear: about] 900,000 barrels per annum.

Belguim has an output of 800,000 per annum.

Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, with 10 factories, produce about one half the output of France.

In America the Portland Cement industry may be said to be [unclear: still] in its infancy, owing to the raw materials being difficult to [unclear: trest] Upwards of 3,000,000 barrels per annum are imported from [unclear: Europe] and a natural cement or superior hydraulic lime known as "[unclear: Rosendale]" is also very largely used. In 1891 the writer inspected works on [unclear: the] Hudson River where many thousands of pounds had been lost in [unclear: the] endeavour to make Portland Cement from an unsuitable [unclear: deposit] Beyond two or three small factories the industry does not exist, [unclear: but] there is evidence that the Americans will not allow this state of [unclear: things] to continue.

Coming nearer home we have factories in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand.

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The position of the industry in this colony is not as promising as would be expected when it is considered that we have established a reputation for supplying an equable and reliable article, the demand for which has steadily increased year by year.

Many leading engineers and architects prefer to specify the "Maori Brand"—with our guarantee—rather than risk obtaining foreign cement of inferior quality, which is well known to find its way i to the colonial market.

There is room in this country for five times the number of works with an output as large as our own, which would find employment for many men, and circulate in the colony the thousands of pounds that are yearly paid to England and Germany for cement. Moreover, our own output could be easily doubled if the demand warranted the extension of the works, our supply of raw materials being practically inexhaustible.

This, and indeed with all other bona fide colonial industries,; deserve the hearty support and consideration of the colonists, especially in the existing state of severe depression.

The question may very reasonably be asked—"How can foreign makers compete with you, handicapped as they must be with freight and other charges?" To this we answer, "that the current rate of wages in this colony is Twice that paid in England, and nearly Three Times that of Germany; while as to freight, many shipowners bring out cement as ballast or at merely a nominal rate.

In the face of this we ask you all To Follow the Good Example Set by Our Present Government, and specify and use colonially-made cement only.


Portland Cement is made from materials containing certain proportions of lime, silica, alumina, and oxide of iron.

In England it is made from a mixture of chalk and river mud—the two being washed, ground, dried, calcined and ground. This is known as the "Goreham," or "semi-wet process, and is the one adopted by us.

The old-fashioned method, known as the "wet" process, viz., washing with an excessive quantity of water, pumping into "backs" (large tanks) to precipitate the solid matter, and then draining off the excess of water, is one never adopted by modern manufacturers.

H. K. Bamber, F.I.C., on Portland Cement manufacture, gives the following analyses as being most suitable for cement-making materials, which, compared with our own, appear analogous:— page 8
English. "Maori Brand
Lime (carbonate) 96.50 96.07
Silica 1.15 2.30
Alumina and oxide of iron (Al2 O3 x F2 O3) 0.78 1.15
Magnesia 0.25 nil
Organic matter 1.32 0.48
100.00 100.00
English. "Maori Brand
Silica 54.84 59.25
Alumina and oxide of iron 25.08 24.32
Lime 0.90 6.27
Magnesia 0.80 1.45
Carbonic acid 0.83 2.15
Sulphuric acid 1.20 Organic matter and alkaline salts 6.56
Organic matter and loss 16.35 Organic matter and alkaline salts 6.56
100.00 100.00
The standard English should be approximately:—
Lime 62.00 "Maori" average is 61.50
Silica 23.00 "Maori" average is 25.00
Alumina and iron 12.00 "Maori" average is 11.50

Magnesia is considered by many experts to be a dangerous compound in cement, and its effects were thoroughly investigated after the failure of the Aberdeen breakwater.

Mr. William Smith, M. Inst. C.E., of Aberdeen (who was employed with Prof. Brazier and others), after making elaborate investigations asserted that—"Magnesia in Portland Cement was only weakening when a higher proportion than two per per cent, was present." The same authority states that—"The presence of two to three per cent, of sulphuric acid in Portland Cement did no appreciable harm."

Dr. Michaelis does not consider that a cement containing up to five per cent, of magnesia should be rejected on that account. Whilst admitting the risk of disturbance of bond due to an excess of magnesium salts, he states that cement in which magnesia was present to the extent of 20 per cent, was under his observation for 10 years, and showed no signs of flaw.

The average of many analyses of our cement gives:—
Magnesia, 1.25 Sulphuric acid, 1.45

Having ascertained by careful analyses that the raw materials are suitable, the next step for a cement manufacturer is to adopt the most suitable plant for treating them, and to institute a proper system of regulating their admixture, that a reliable and equable cement may be produced.

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To illustrate this we may describe our process, which will satisfy the most critical that the utmost care and pains are taken to obtain a first-class cement.

(a)The raw materials are regularly tested to decide the proper proportions.
(b)The mixed compound (technically termed "wash"), after thorough washing and grinding, is Daily analysed—thus making a serious error a matter of impossibility.
(c)The fuel used for burning is frequently analysed for sulphur.
(d)The product of the kilns is all hand-picked, the clinkers Only are sent to the mill for grinding. "Half-burnt" is always worked up and re-burnt. This, we contend, is the secret of our production of the "strongest cement in the market."
(e)The grinding is performed by an Askham Patent Pulveriser, capable of reducing three tons of clinker per hour to an impalpable powder. The sifting is effected by Mumford & Moodies' Patent Separators," which ensure a regular and fine production.
(f)The finished cement is daily tested for tensile hydraulicity and constancy of volume; also frequently analysed and the specific gravity estimated. Occasional experiments are made in the form of concrete blocks immersed in salt water, also subjected to the rise and fall of the tide.
(g)The works are under the constant supervision of a competent English cement expert.

Testing Cement.

The usual tests adopted by Engineers when using cement in very large quantities, and upon important works are:

(1.)The Specific Gravity.—A properly clinkered and new cement should not be less than 3.1 after drying for 15 minutes in a dessicator. Any cement that shows this result may be accepted as a thoroughly well-burnt cement—whatever other faults it may possess. If the specific gravity is as low as 2.9 it shows either very light and imperfect burning, or old and deteriorated cement, or perhaps adulteration, and should certainly be looked upon with suspicion. Dr. Schumann's apparatus is very useful for this purpose. The result may readily be ascertained by noting the displacement of a carefully weighed quantity of cement in turpentine contained in a graduated tube; or by using a specific gravity bottle with water. In the latter case after adding the cement the whole must be well shaken for three or four minutes to prevent the cement setting.
(2.)The weight per striked bushel.—The minimum is usually specified at 110lbs. This is a very imperfect method, since the slightest variation in the manner of filling is liable to make a difference of several pounds—more or less—in the result.page 10
(3.)To ascertain that the cement has a right [unclear: composition] complete chemical analysis is necessary. This determines the [unclear: p] portion of the several ingredients. The principal [unclear: constituents,] before stated, are lime, silica and alumina (generally in [unclear: combination] iron). The hydraulic properties are due to the silica and [unclear: alumina] iron. The highest standard of quality is probably attained [unclear: wit] parts Ca O 2 Si O2, and 1 Al2 O3 (with Fe2 O3). Le [unclear: Chateli] equation is:— mathematical equation

The maximum quantity of lime permissible is still a [unclear: debati] question, Some German manufacturers fix the standard at 65 [unclear: percent].—a few English makers as high as 64 per cent.—but it is [unclear: ag] by all authorities that a greater proportion than 62 per [unclear: cent.] courting a dangerous compound.


To obtain a fair sample from a parcel of cement it is [unclear: necessary] take several bags, empty them into a heap and turn this [unclear: o] thoroughly. It is obviously unfair to take a sample from the [unclear: mo] of one or two bags, as there is always a danger of some of the [unclear: cene] having become dead through exposure or absorption of moisture, and therefore not fairly representing the bulk.

Before making the cement into briquettes (especially in [unclear: h] weather) spread out the sample for a few hours to ensure its [unclear: lei] cool and air-slacked, as it is most difficult in dealing with [unclear: hr] quantities for a manufacturer to ensure thorough aeration.

The quantity of water necessary to obtain the best results [unclear: cans] unfortunately be determined without ascertaining whether the [unclear: ceme] be quick or slow setting, the state of the atmosphere, and fineness [unclear: image not readable] grinding. Herein lies the chief cause of unreliable tests made by inexperienced gaugers.

The quantity of water required for neat cement varies from [unclear: 16] 22 per cent. In making sand tests (3 to 1) about half that [unclear: quantity] will suffice. Quick-setting cement requires more water and [unclear: slow] setting less.

Warm weather quickens the setting. The temperature of [unclear: the] water used for gauging should be as nearly as possible [unclear: uniform] all seasons—about 60° Fah.

Initial Set.

This is not generally understood, and yet it bears a very [unclear: important] part in correct testing, since it determines the time that may [unclear: be] occupied in ganging. After adding water and working up a pat, [unclear: it] will be observed how the excess of water lies upon the surface for [unclear: a] page 11 short time in quick-setting and for a longer time in slow-setting cement. Note the time that has elapsed since adding the water until this re-absorption commences. After that time the "initial setting" has commenced, and any disturbance will more or less destroy the constructive value of the cement.


The art of briquette making can only be acquired by constant practice. It is surprising how "practical experience" excels "much theory" in this branch.

To ensure fair results great care and attention is necessary. Cleanse the moulds and iron plates thoroughly with a slightly greasy cloth. Weigh the water and the cement. After adding the water work up the mixture smartly with two trowels, breaking it up frequently and thoroughly beating it into a homogeneous mass. Transfer into the moulds when gentle rattling will leave the excess of water and cement above the level of the moulds. This is removed in smoothing off with the trowel.

It is most important to shake the moulds sufficiently to expel the air and water bubbles, and thus leave the briquette as solid as possible. The whole operation, after adding the water, should not exceed live minutes. The cement should remain undisturbed after the setting has commenced.

In hot weather it is a good plan to protect the briquettes from undue evaporation of water, by covering them with a damp cloth.

After remaining 24 hours in air the briquettes are taken from the moulds and immersed in water, where they remain until broken. The usual periods before breaking are 7 and 28 days from the time of gauging.

In taking the briquettes out of the moulds care must be exercised not to jar or cause flaws. The shape of the moulds should be such that the briquette can easily be removed without injury.

Sand Tests.

From a Manufacturer's standpoint this form of testing is inadmissible since in this country a "Standard Sand" is not obtainable.

From an Engineer's point of view it does not seem a desirable test.

Mr. Faija, M. Inst. C.E., and an eminent authority on cement, in a paper prepared for the "International Engineering Congress" of the Columbian Exposition, 1893, writes:

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"The sand test consists in gauging the cement with 3 parts of sand, [unclear: which] should be of approved quality sifted to a certain size and properly washed [unclear: and] cleansed, but the difficulties of carrying out this test are many. Variations [unclear: in] the form of hardness of the grain of sand materially affect the result of [unclear: this] test, and the difficulties of the manipulation and of making solid [unclear: briquette] render it an altogether undesirable test to adopt—irrespective of which [unclear: the] test is a long one. The briquettes not being tested for 28 days after [unclear: gauging] and it is needless to say that in very many cases it would be impossible [unclear: t] wait that length of time to know the value of the material which it is [unclear: required] to use. In the author's opinion cement should be tested by itself, not [unclear: only] because the manipulation is considerably simpler, but because it is unwise [unclear: to] introduce into a test extraneous matters and complications which are [unclear: in] themselves open to considerable variations. If it is desired to ascertain [unclear: the] strength of a mortar compounded with any particular cement, then let [unclear: the] cement be gauged with those aggregates and sand which are to be used on [unclear: the] work; by this means some definite information may be obtained as to [unclear: the] strength and binding power of the mortar which is to be used; but to test [unclear: a] cement with what it is pleased to call a normal or standard sand, [unclear: gives] practically no information in this direction, and simply tends to [unclear: complicate] and confuse an otherwise simple test."

Testing Machines.

There are many varieties of tensile testing machines in use, [unclear: of] which detailed description is unnecessary. Our experience of Adie's machine is that it is thoroughly reliable.

Any machine that will admit of a regular and even strain being applied without torsion or vibration should give reliable results.

Briquettes of 2¼ inches (1½″ x 1½″ smallest section) were formerly used, but at the present time briquettes 1″ x 1″ section are in general use, as it is found that more reliable results are obtained without the expert manipulation so essential with the larger section.

The rate at which the strain is applied will affect the result—100lbs in 10 seconds is the slowest speed that should be adopted.

For Determining Constancy of Volume.

Neat cement is mixed to a stiff paste and formed into pats [unclear: upon] glass or metal plates. One pat is kept in air, and another, [unclear: when] thoroughly set, is immersed in water. If after a day or two the [unclear: pats] remain intact and free from cracks at the edges, a sound [unclear: cement] is assured. Should the pats show crumpling or clicking the cement is dangerous—without it can be proved that the defect is due to [unclear: freshness] of grinding, which is easily remedied by air-slaking.

Some Engineers use thin glass test-tubes filled with [unclear: gauged] cement, but as nearly all good cements expand slightly the [unclear: mere] cracking of the tube would scarcely warrant condemning the [unclear: cement] A "blowey" cement would completely shatter the tube.

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Tests for Fineness.

These are usually made with two sieves, one having 625 holes per square inch, the other 2,500 holes per square inch. The whole of the cement should pass through the former, and not leave a larger residue than from 8 to 10 per cent in the latter.

There is no doubt that the fineness of grinding has become the important factor in a perfect cement, but with the grinding appliances of the present day the standard cannot be raised with economy to the users, as the rate of cost appears out of proportion to the amount of improvement to be gained.

Adulteration of Cement.

To the majority of our readers the statement "adulteration of cement is very generally practised by certain English and foreign makers for the purpose of cheapening the product" will appear almost incredible.

We have, nevertheless, before us a copy of "Proceedings of Manufacturers of Portland Cement," in connection with the meeting held 12th November, 1894, in London. The object of the meeting being contained in the following letter, which was addressed to the "Manufacturers of Portland Cement in England."

2 Suffolk Lane, London, E.C.,

Dear Sirs,

We are desired to call your attention to the following circumstances seriously affecting the trade in which you are engaged.

It is becoming notorious that several manufacturers of English Portland cement are largely adulterating their manufacture by the mixture of Kentish rag stone, other stone, furnace or oven ashes, disused or exhausted fire-bricks, or other inert material, and so bringing disrepute upon the good name English cement has hitherto borne in comparison for quality with cement of foreign manufacture. Such practices are so detrimental to the best interests of the cement trade, both by the discredit which is thereby attached to English manufactures, and the unfair competition in prices thereby rendered possible, that it is now proposed to establish an Association of English Cement Manufacturers for the purpose of dealing with, and, if possible, putting a stop to a practice so unprincipled and disreputable, and so calculated to perpetuate an injury to the trade.

We are instructed to enquire if you would be willing to join an Association of Cement Manufacturers for this purpose, and if so we shall be glad to hear your views on the subject, and to know if you would attend a meeting presently to be convened.

We are, gentlemen, your obedient servants,


Renshaw, Kekewich & Smith,


The principal object of the meeting held, as before stated, was to form an Association of Cement Manufacturers—eligible to those only who were prepared by statutory declaration to affirm that they had never wilfully adulterated their product, for the purpose of cheapening its cost, by the admixture of inert material.

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The result of the meeting is still more unsatisfactory since [unclear: c] four cement makers made the declaration referred to.

We have great pleasure in publishing their names, viz:
(1)Messrs Knight, Bevan and Sturge
(2)The Wouldham Cement Company
(3)Messrs J. C. Barron and Co.

The Tower Portland Cement Company.

Shortly afterwards the

(5)Burham Brick, Lime and Cement Company
(6)Messrs William Lee, Sou and Co.

Messrs Weston and Co.

also made the declaration and joined the Association.

Beyond drawing attention to these facts, we have no wish [unclear: to] more than this: We have never added inert material of any [unclear: descrip] to our cement, although our trade has naturally suffered severely [unclear: fr] competition so grossly unfair.

That adulteration of Portland Cement is also practised in [unclear: Ger] may be gathered from the fact that Messrs R. and W. [unclear: Fresenius] eminent chemists) were employed by the Society of German [unclear: Cen] Manufacturers to investigate the subject, and to [unclear: determine] principal characteristics of pure cement which these authorities [unclear: fo] to be—
(1)Specific gravity of 3.125 (certainly not less than 3.1)
(2)The loss on ignition should be between 0.34 and 2.59 per cent.
(3)That 3 grammes of cement should absorb from 0 [unclear: to] milligrammes of carbonic acid.
(4)That the alkaline substances extracted by water [unclear: form] gramme of cement, should correspond to from 8 to [unclear: 12.5] centimetres of decinormal acid.
(5)One gramme cement treated with normal acid, [unclear: should] tralize between 18.8 and 21.67 C.C. of it.

Uses of Cement.

There is no material in modern engineering that is more [unclear: usef] architects and engineers than Portland Cement; and none [unclear: which] been so successful in its adaptation to so many and varied works.

It is probable that before many years its application will [unclear: supp] the use of iron for various purposes, as it has already to a great [unclear: en] taken the place of timber.

The following amongst many others, are some of the [unclear: nume] examples of its utility:—

Water tanks of concrete are less costly than iron ones, they [unclear: image not readable] more easily cleansed and everlasting, also the water is kept cooler.

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Tanks for the storage of liquid manure should in two seasons repay the cost of outlay, besides preventing the offensive and wasteful practice of allowing a valuable product to be lost, with its ever-present danger of generating malignant fevers.

Pig-styes should be built entirely of concrete. Sheep-dips are easily built in concrete. Cow-sheds, stable and stockyard floors, cessits, garden walls, dwarf walls, piles for wooden buildings, garden paths, steps &c., are all most economically built in concrete.

For street kerbings and water channels nothing is more suitable than neatly plastered concrete; having no joints to obstruct the flow or set up accumulation, they become self cleaning.

"The Monier System" of concrete construction is well worthy of a trial. The object of this method is to obtain the greatest strength and efficiency with the use of the least possible quantity of concrete, This is effected by embedding wire netting in the concrete, which reduces the possibility of fracture to a minimum; the guage of netting varies with the class of work. In bridge work inch rod iron is used.

The system has been extensively employed on the Continent of Europe for bridges, tunnel linings, sewers, and floors of buildings; in the latter case it is especially of service in preventing collapse after fire.

N.B—We shall be very pleased at any time to assist architects or engineers in making tests of this construction.


Unlike brickwork and masonary it is not necessary to employ skilled labour, any intelligent man can mix and lay concrete; at the same time the more skill and thought exercised in the manipulation, the more satisfactory will be the result.

We should be glad to see in architects specifications a clearer definition of the method to be used in the manipulation and laying—especially providing "that the water shall be supplied through a fine rose," not thrown upon the heap from a bucket as may be frequently seen.

The following hints may be found useful, and if followed should ensure satisfactory results:—

The "aggregate" must be clean and sharp, if it contain clay, earthy substances, ashes or grease, it should be thoroughly washed.

When sand is used it should be as coarse and rough as is obtainable; fine, silty or micaceous sand seriously weakens the mass. Large stones may be profitably employed in "packing" concrete, but should be placed far enough apart to admit of the interstices being completely filled up. The proportion of cement to "aggregate" will depend entirely upon the purpose of the work. To resist pressure of water the maximum quantity of cement should be used, and the work allowed to stand as long as possible before admitting the water.

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Mr. William Smith, M. Inst., C. E. Aberdeen, found from [unclear: dis] experiments as to the permeability of concrete, that three [unclear: months] required to set the work thoroughly before submitting it to [unclear: press] clue to head of twenty-four feet.

The proportions range from 3 parts aggregate to 1 cement [unclear: up] 12 to 1. With proper care in the manipulation the latter [unclear: propori] gives satisfactory results where great strength is not required. [unclear: T] writer made excellent concrete up to 16 to 1, exhibited at the [unclear: N.Z.] S.S. Exhibition, with the following materials:—
  • 1 part cement.
  • 2 parts sharp clean sand.
  • 8 parts screenings.
  • 6 parts 2½inch metal.

It must be remembered the less cement used, the longer the [unclear: w] will take to harden.

A quick and accurate method of determining the voids in [unclear: broke] stones is to fill a box or other receptacle with the stones, [unclear: measure] cubical contents, then pour in the water until full—the measure [unclear: of] the water will represent the voids hence the proportion of mortar to stone.

In putting concrete into position it should never be thrown [unclear: fr] a height or sent down a shoot, the aggregate and matrix get [unclear: separate] and the value of the mass as an even and solid concrete destroyed.

After depositing, the concrete should be well rammed until [unclear: the] moisture comes to the surface. In using concrete under water, [unclear: can] must be taken that the water is still; a current whether [unclear: natural] caused by pumping will carry away the cement and leave only [unclear: cle] stone. Always provide a mixing board or platform which enables [unclear: th] workmen to freely work their shovels under the materials [unclear: to] operated upon, and prevents the addition of foreign matter. [unclear: Havi] measured the materials and the cement, turn the whole over ([unclear: with] spreading motion) twice dry, and in turning over the third time add the necessary quantity of water with a rose; turn this over once more [unclear: and] the concrete is ready to be deposited where required.

It may not be superfluous to here recapitulate a few of the point to which we specially draw attention in our first pamphlet viz:—
(1)That the aggregate be clean, sharp, free from clay or [unclear: dir] and thoroughly mixed with the cement before adding the water.
(2)That such quantity only as will be used before setting commences be mixed at one time. Cement that has [unclear: partially] if mixed up again, never hardens properly.
(3)When concrete or cement is used in conjunction with [unclear: sand] wood, or brick work, or such materials, the latter should [unclear: be] well saturated with water to prevent absorbing it from [unclear: the] cement.
(4)Especially for plaster work, or in testing, cement should [unclear: be] properly cooled by being spread on a dry floor for at [unclear: least] hours before using.
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Note—Occasionally a suggestion is made that it would be advisable to pack our cement in casks instead of bags We beg to point out that the custom is in vogue in England where sacks are universally used, except for shipment abroad. We are always prepared to buy empties returned in good condition. Moreover, bags are much more economical than casks, as they are more easily handled and emptied, the saving of time on a large job being very considerable

Tensile of "Maori Brand "Portland Cement, as copied from Works Register for six months:—
Number Libs, per Inch.
7 days 28 days
February, 1894 426 546
March, 1894 496 684
April, 1894 480 566
May, 1894 528 645
June, 1894 474 670
July, 1894 436 536
Average 473 608

Briquettes: 1" Section, and were broken by Adie's machine. The Government specification is 300 lbs. per square inch at 7 days, and 450 lbs. at 28 days.

Specific gravity: Mean, 12 tests, 3.125.

Average residue: 2.500 per square inch, less than 6 per cent.

page 18

One Hundred References where "Maori" Portlan Cement has been used.

  • Allandale Coal Company
  • Art Gallery N.Z. & S.S. Exhibition
  • Anderson & Co.'s mill, stores & stables Apron, &c., Water of Leith
  • Dr. Burn's Monument, Dunedin
  • Benevolent Institution (Old Men's Home)
  • Catlin's River Tunnel, Otago
  • Canterbury Railway Department,
  • Culverts, Buttresses, &c.
  • Castle Hill Coal Company
  • Convent Buildings, Dunedin
  • Christchurch City Corporation
  • Dairy Floors N.Z. & S.S. Exhibition
  • Dairy Factory, Moray Place
  • D.I.C., Floors & Buildings, Dunedin
  • D.I.C., Premises, Christchurch
  • Dunedin Salvation Army Barracks
  • Dunedin City Corporation Works
  • for past five years
  • Dunedin Hospital Pavilion
  • Dunedin Roman Catholic Cathedral
  • Exhibition Buildings
  • Engineering and Electrical Co.
  • Residence, E. B. Cargill, Esq.
  • Flour Mill, Mosgiel
  • Freezing Works, Burnside
  • Flour Mill, South Dunedin
  • Gas Works, Retort House, P. Chal'rs
  • Gas Works, Dunedin
  • Gas Works, Caversham
  • Granity Creek Westport Coal Co.
  • Horse Sale Yards, Wright, Stephen-son & Co.
  • Kaitangata Coal Co.
  • Linwood Town Council, Canterbury
  • Lambert's Pottery Works
  • Leith Street Bridge
  • Mornington Borough Council
  • Mornington Public School
  • Mataura Paper Mills, Dam, &c.
  • Manse, Burnside
  • Manse. High Street
  • Maori Hill Borough Council
  • McLeod Bros., Ltd., Additions to
  • Soap Works
  • N.Z. Drug Co.'s Works, Burnside
  • Nurses Home, Dunedin Hospital
  • N.Z. Midland Railway Co.
  • Oamaru Breakwater
  • Office & Warehouse, Mr. Henry Rose
  • Otago Central Railway
  • Otago Heads Battery
  • Provincial Hotel Buildings
  • Public Works Dept., Wellington
  • Public Works Dept., Christchurch
  • Public Works Dept., Dunedin
  • Public Works Dept., Invercargill
  • Phœnix Jam Factory
  • Paper Mills, Woodhaugh
  • Port Chalmers Sewerage Works
  • Police Station, Dunedin
  • Post Office Tower, Invercargill
  • Police Station, Naseby
  • Porirua Asylum, Wellington
  • Queen's Theatre, Alterations
  • Rangiora Borough Council, Canterbury
  • Residence, St. Clair
  • Rope Works, M. Donaghy & Co.
  • Roslyn Borough Council [unclear: Car]
  • Reservoir, Ross Creek
  • Roxburgh G.M. Co.'s Reservoir
  • Roman Catholic Church, S. [unclear: Dunedin]
  • Roman Catholic Church, N.E. [unclear: Valley]
  • Roman Catholic Church, Oamaru
  • Roman Catholic Church, Hyde
  • Residence, Littlebourne (J. [unclear: Robe] Esq.)
  • Shacklock's Foundry Chimney [unclear: St]
  • Seacliff Asylum Waterworks, &c.
  • Sunnyside Asylum, New Laundry
  • Sheer Legs (80 tons) [unclear: Foundatio]
  • Port Chalmers
  • Sydenham Borough Council [unclear: Public]
  • Swimming Baths
  • Sydenham Borough Council
  • Supreme Court Additions, Christchurch
  • St. Albans Borough Council
  • Speight & Co.'s Brewery
  • Taieri County Council, Bridges, [unclear: Cverts], &c.
  • Theological College, Dunedin
  • Universal Bond, six Strong Rooms
  • Victoria Hot Salt Water Swimming Baths
  • Workshop, A. & T. Burt
  • Wool stores, Wright, [unclear: Stephens] & Co.
  • Wool Stores, Mutual Agency Co.
  • Wool Stores, Stronach Bros. & Co.
  • Wesleyan Church, South Dunedin
  • J. Wilkie & Co.'s Printing Works
  • Walton Park Coal Co.
  • Ways and Works Department, N.R Railways
  • Wellington City [unclear: Corporation,] pavement flags
  • Warehouse, Mr. Sew Hoy
  • Waimate County Council
  • House of Representatives, Wellington
  • N.Z Government Life Insurance Building, Wellington