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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

The Sitting Breeds

The Sitting Breeds.

Langshan.—Very hardy. Good winter and summer layer. Good table-bird.

Brahma.—Hardy. Good winter layer. Fair table-bird.

Plymouth Rock.—Hardy. Very good table-bird. Fair winter and summer layer.

Cochin.—Very hardy. Unsuited for table. Useful in a cross only.

Game.—Does not stand confinement very well, but a fair layer and good forager when at liberty. It is a very fine table-bird. Nearly all you see of it is flesh, the feathers lie so close.

Dorking.—Does not stand confinement well. The best table-bird of all. The chickens are rather hard to rear, unless they have a good run of short turf.