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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

Some Expert Opinions

Some Expert Opinions.

To this bald summary let me add the statement of a distinguished physician (Sir William Gull) that "alcohol is the most destructive agent that we are aware of in this country" (i.e. England); and that of a distinguished Irish Judge (Baron Dowse) that " the quantity of alcohol consumed in a district is the measure of its degradation;" and these three opinions of high authorities as to the estimated or observed effects of its removal:—
(1)General Booth : "Many of our social evils, which overshadow the page 215 land like so many upas trees, would dwindle away and die if they were not constantly watered with strong drink."
(2)Mr. Joseph Chamberlain: "If I could destroy the desire for strong drink in the people of England, what changes should we see ? We should see our taxes removed by millions sterling ! We should see our gaols and workhouses empty! We should see more lives saved in twelve months than are consumed in a century of bitter and savage war."
(3)And of a fairly successful attempt to exterminate the enemy, the Chief Justice of Kansas says: "Prohibition drove out the robber and despoiler of the poor. . . . . The State will most certainly maintain that law which, whatever it may be to the rich, is the salvation of the poor."