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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 78



Being situated at the junction of the Wellington-New Plymouth railway with that which is to connect with the Main Trunk line at Ongarue, Stratford is a town which has an important future. The population is over 2,000, and it is supplied with water, electric light, drainage, public abattoirs, and other modern conveniences. It, too, is surrounded by good dairying country, while to the east there is a large area of fine sheep country. The Ohura Road, which connects with the Main Trunk Railway at Ongarue, runs for nearly sixty miles through settled country, through the township of Whangamomona, whence the Wanganui River may be reached and connection be made with the steamer service on that river. The Ohura Road passes through some exceedingly fine scenery and at about 57 miles from Stratford reaches the Tangarakau Gorge, one of the finest gorges in New Zealand. This may be reached on wheels, but through the gorge there is only a bridle track. The Stratford Dairy Factory is the third largest in the province. Local industries include a sash and door factory and a tannery and fellmongery.