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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 80a

National Association of New Zealand — (Otago Section)

National Association of New Zealand

(Otago Section).

The Objects of the Association are:
1.To promote reforms—economic, legislative, and constitutional; to protest against undue interference with the rights and liberties of the subject; and to oppose class legislation.
2.To promote such legislation as will encourage bona fide settlement of the lands of the Colony under either freehold or leasehold tenure.
3.To show the fallacy of the principle that labour and capital are antagonistic.
4.To secure prosperity and confidence, by opposing all experimental legislation, which tends to check the legitimate use of capital, causing it to be locked up or withdrawn from the country, to the detriment of employer and employee.
5.To promote agricultural, mining, commercial, and manufacturing enterprise, by removing all unnecessary obstacles to their development.
6.To show the unfairness of laws so framed that the industrious and thrifty are hampered.
7.To promote sound political economy; and to educate public opinion in the right direction, by disseminating literature giving sound reasons and arguments for our beliefs.
8.To register all members, and purge the Electoral Roll.
9.To return to Parliament Capable and Honorable Men, who will uphold the public credit, and whose aim will not be individual gain, but the welfare of the whole Colony.