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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 82

President's Annual Report

President's Annual Report.

Mr. Liston then read his annual report as follows:—

You hare heard the report of the work done and progress made by our Society during the first year of its existence, and I think that you will agree that it is, upon the whole, very satisfactory, although perhaps not quite up to the expectations of the most sanguine among us. But it would be a mistake to judge the importance and value of the work done by this Society, and the influence it has exercised in moulding public opinion on the land question, by the number on the members' roll or the amount of the subscriptions. There is ample evidence that, outside our ranks, discussion of the question of State, that is, common ownership of the land, is spreading on all sides. It is a topic in train and [unclear: ram,] at dining-rooms and clubs, at debating societies' meetings, at social and political gatherings, at farmers' associations, and at working men's unions. The Press writes and the [unclear: Pul] preaches on it. Without doubt public opinion in the direction of the reforms advocated by the Society is rapidly ripening, and radical legislation on the subject cannot belong delayed, if the people are true to themselves. I do not for a moment take credit to our Society for all that has been done to stimulate thought and spread sound views [unclear: on] this most important question, but, undeniably the existence of our organisation, the wide-spread distribution of the literature published by the Society, and of the works of Henry George and A. R. Wallace, and the lectures delivered by our worthy Vice-President (Mr. Glynn), have contributed largely to direct public attention to land nationalization, and to cultivate correct opinions regarding it. At the same time we heartily recognise the support that the cause has received from a very considerable portion of