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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 82



the home of the man who, jeeringly, the Duke of Argyle styled "the prophet of San Francisco." The day will come, as the Rev. Mr. Carter said, when that title will be applied to him in honor. To the author of "Progress and Poverty" and "Social Problems" the world owes more than it can at present appreciate. His teachings mart the advent of a new era in the doctrines of political economy and philosophy, and it is mainly to his teachings we owe the rapid spread during the past few years of belief, not only in the principles of land nationalization, bnt in their being practically realizable in the immediate future. Mr. George is ever and always at work to hasten on the coming reform. His efforts have resulted, in America, in the establishment of the "Free Soil Society," which has its headquarters at New York and branches all over the Union; its views being promulgated by means of its literary organ, the Freesoiler, Americas are prompt to act when once aroused to the necessity for action, and do not then hesitate to apply radical remedies in a very vigorous way. "Already," Mr. George writes to Mr. Webster, "the first indication of what is coming may be seen in the introduction into the State legislatures of Bills to prevent alien ownership of land, to restrict the amount any citizen can hold, to provide each citizen with a homestead, &c." Excepting London and Paris there is is no city in the world where such utter degradation of poverty exists as in New York, and no country in the world where the extremes of wealth and poverty are so marked. Let us hail with satisfaction the dawning of a brighter day, when just laws shall help banish the human misery which should not longer be tolerated in any nation which dares to call itself Christian.