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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 86

Land Reform a Partial Remedy Only

page 12

Land Reform a Partial Remedy Only.

How far would land restoration alone remedy this? If it were possible to nationalise soil apart from capital, the ground rents, recovered for the nation might possibly amount to the present sum of our imperial and local taxation, £135,000,000, or thereabouts. The pecuniary relief certainly could not amount to more. Land nationalisation might further immensely benefit society, where it now suffers from the curmudgeonism of private owners. But so long as capital continued to be used for the exploitation of the workers, so long would their economic slavery continue. Those who retain the capital, without which the earth and all its products cannot be worked, will step into the place of the landlord, and the tribute of "interest" will be augmented. Society will be relieved, but not freed.