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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)


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  • O, a sign of the plural pronoun: I eha o tueine? Where are your sisters? 2. A mark of the genitive of possession: of; of the. It is used before the names of husband, wife, food, &c.

  • O (ò), an answering cry or exclamation, used in reply to one who calls.

  • O, to give. O atu, give it to some other person; o mai, give it to me. Cf. oake.

  • Oa (òa), a friend: said of a man loved by another.

    Akaoa (aka-oa), a friend.

    Akaoaoa, friends, companions. 2. To frequent; to keep company with.

  • Oaga (oàga), a grindstone. 2. A store of fine grain. 3. A round cake made from taro.

  • Oake (o-ake), Give! Said in the sense that you must give a certain thing to one, superior, either by his dignity or position, or by his superior physique. See o, to give.

  • Oara (oàra), relaxed; a relaxed condition of the body; diarrhæa.

  • Oaratoto (oara-tòto), dysentery. Cf. oara and toto.

  • Oari. See the days of the moon, under marama.

  • Oe, a war-cry; a cry to rally all the forces of the war-party. Cf. oekoko.

  • Oe (òe), to make a whistling sound in breathing.

    Oeoe (òeòe), to whistle; to hiss.

    Oega (òèga), the action of whistling in respiration.

  • Oekoko, a cry to call people to a festival or a fight. Cf. oe.

  • Oetua. See days of the moon, under marama.

  • Oga, to abandon. 2. To hate one's spouse for being enamoured of some other person. 3. To waver; to be irresolute. 4. To refuse marriage or conjugal rights; to dismiss one's wife. 5. Active, nimble in getting out of the way of a lance-thrust. 6. To refuse to fight through cowardice or fear.

    Ogaoga, to waver, to be irresolute.

    Ogaoga (ògaòga), to twirl or swing a cord round, as a skipping rope, so that it does not touch the ground.

    Akaoga (aka-òga), a movement of the hands when walking. 2. To wave or flutter a flag. 3. To shake a torch or a piece of cloth instead of a flag. Akaogaake (aka-oga-ake), the superlative expression of aka-oga.

    Akaogaoga (aka-òga-òga), to hang out linen or stuff to dry. 2. An object carried in the hand suspended by its end.

  • Oge, hunger; famine; to be hungry; famished. Cf. mateoge, oriorioge, pakeoge. Ogeoge, plural of the action and subject.

  • Ogi (ògi), to kiss; to embrace. Cf. teogi. 2. To smell; to sniff. 3. To turn oneself round; to pirouette. Plural ogiogi (ògiògi).

    Ogiogi (ògiògi), to kiss often.

    Akaogi (aka-ògi), to give a kiss. 2. To spin a top. 3. To spin round: said of the scene as it appears to one who is dizzy. Plural akaogiogi (aka-ògiògi).

    Akaogi-atu, to smell; to kiss; to embrace.

    Akaogi-mai, to smell; to kiss; to embrace.

    Ogiga (ogìga), the senses of taste and smell.

  • Ogiogi-karakara (ogiogi-kàrakàra), food (maa) approaching its end, nearly finished.

  • Oha (òha), to fall down; to tumble down; to be thrown down. 2. The limbs of a sick person that have fallen down inert and helpless. Cf. roioha.

    Ohaga (òhàa), the action of falling down.

    Ohaoha (òha-òha), a boil, carbuncle, or other external tumour which causes the muscles to droop and dwindle.

    Akaoha (aka-òha), suspended; hung up in the air.

    Akaohaoha (aka-òhaòha), to hang up.

  • Ohe, an oar; a paddle. To row; to paddle. 2. To labour; work. 3. A cry from a person out of breath. Cf. ohekaiku.

  • Ohekaiku. An exclamation; a cry of joy.

  • Ohi (òhi), abortive; to miscarry; not to ripen: said of plants smothered in foliage or in deep shadow. Plural ohiohi (òhiòhi).

  • Ohiru. See days of the moon, under marama.

  • Oho (òho), the head (of human beings). Cf. opeoho, rouoho. See upoko. 2. The hair. Cf. ohohina, ohokura, puoho.

    Akaohooho (aka-òhoòho), to consolidate; to fasten strongly together. 2. To answer back; to make a sharp reply, while doing that one has been ordered to do.

  • Ohoata. See days of the moon, under marama.

  • Ohohina (òho-hina), grey hair. Cf. oho and hina.

  • Ohokoha (òho-kòha), straight hair; hair without curl or frizziness.

  • Ohokopa (òho-kòpa), hair falling on the shoulders without dishevelment.

  • Ohokura (òho-kùra), red hair. Cf. oho and kura.

  • Ohomaatu (òho-maatu), hair that curls naturally.

  • Ohomiha (òho-mìha or òho-mìhamìha), frizzy hair.

  • Ohopagu (òho-pàgu), black hair. Cf. oho and pagu.

  • Ohopu (òho-pu), not to be well made about the abdomen.

    Akaohopu (aka-ohòpu), a slope commencing at the foot of the spine, and destroying the straightness of the back. 2. To walk with the body inclined and bent. Plural akahopuhopu.

  • Ohopura (òho-pùra), bald.

  • Ohorahirahi (oho-rahirahi), thin, sparse hair.

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  • Ohoro, that which goes quickly; flying or running fast. Cf. hooro, kihoro, parahoro, oro, vavaeohoro.

  • Ohotaratara (òho-tàratàra), rough, bristly hair. Cf. taratara and ohotitaratara.

  • Ohotea (òho-tèa), brown hair; chestnut hair. Cf. tea and oho.

  • Ohotitaratara (òhotitaratara), rough, bristly hair. Cf. ohotaratara.

  • Ohotu, full moon. See under marama.

  • Ohotunatuna, very black hair. Cf. oho and tunatuna.

  • Ohua. See days of the moon, under marama.

  • Ohua.

  • Ohuohu (òhuòu), well-cooked invalid food.

  • Oi (òi), to stir, to move; to shift place. 2. To approach; to draw near. 3. To walk affectedly and disdainfully, or with assumed carelessness. 4. To walk turning backwards now and then; wheeling round. Plural oioi (òiòi).

    Oioi (òiòi), to grind; to pound; to bray. 2. To rub the eyes.

    Oioiga, the action of grinding or rubbing.

  • Oiga (oìga), custom; habitude.

  • Oikako (oikàko), well-mixed paste (maa).

  • Oirea, any one who dives without going deep.

  • Oka (òka), a stick made of hardwood, used as a digging-tool. 2. To extract with a tool or instrument; to force out. 3. The name of a fish.

    Oka, to lunge with the lance; to spear.

    Okaoka (òkaòka), to dart or poke about in the coral to drive out fish.

  • Okeoke (òkeòke), the name of a flat-fish.

  • Oki (òki), also; and. 2. To return; to come back. Okioki (òkiòki), plural of the action; ooki (oòki), plural of the subject. Cf. okikomuri.

    Akaoki (aka-òki), to send back; to send again; to dismiss. It is used of moral or intellectual subjects as of material things, thus: “to reject a proposition,” “not to accept a present,” &c. Akaokioki (aka-òkiòki), plural of the action; akaooki (aka-oòki), plural of the subject. Akaoki-atu (aka-òki-atu), to make some one return or give back a thing to a third person. Akaoki-mai (aka-òki-mai), to make some one return a thing to the speaker.

    Okiga (òkiga), the return of a person.

  • Oki-atu, Oki-Mai, to go and come; to pass backwards and forwards.

  • Okie (òkìe), an exclamation of rejoicing to welcome a sea-voyager. Ex.: Okie! Okie! No Rata, no Rata! Okie! Okie! Rata arrives. Hurrah!

  • Okiho (for oki io), go down; descend. Cf. oki and io.

  • Okikomuri (òkikomùri), to return; to go back to the place from which one started. Cf. oki and muri.

  • Okikotua (òkikotùa), to go back; to draw back; to retreat. Okiokikotua (òkiòkikotùa), plural of the action; ookitua (oòkitùa), plural of the subject. Cf. oki, tua, okikomuri, &c.

  • Oko (òko), strong; solid; firm. Cf. okoki. 2. Hard; obstinate; tough. Cf. mataoko. 3. Mature; ripe. 4. To tie a number of coconuts together.

    Akaoko (aka-òko), to make firm, stable; to render hard. 2. To hunt, chase away; to drive off.

    Akaokooko (aka-òkoòko), to render very solid; to make very firm; consolidated.

    Akaokoga (aka-òkoga), the action of tying or fastening together.

  • Oko, to buy; to sell. 2. To redeem; to compensate. 3. To satisfy.

    Okoga (okòga), sale. 2. Redemption; satisfaction. 3. Indulgence.

    Okooko (òkoòko), to exchange; to barter. To compensate; to give an equivalent. 2. To revenge oneself; to be revenged.

    Okookoga (òkoòkoga), exchange; barter. 2. Vengeance.

  • Okoora, to buy or sell on promise, on credit.

  • Okoga. See under oko.

  • Okogaora, to buy or sell on credit. Cf. okoora.

  • Okoki, to be firm and very solid. Cf. oko.

  • Okokiko (òkokìko), to ransom one's life by presents or labour.

  • Okooko. See under oko.

  • Okookoga. See under oko.

  • Okorua (òkorùa), to replace another person; to act as substitute. Cf. oko and rua.

  • Okotahaga (òkotàhaga), to do nothing but… Ex.: Moe okotahaga, to do nothing but sleep.

  • Oko-takao (òko-takào), to reply; to talk back; to make repartee (always said in a bad sense). Plural okookotakao (òkoòkotakào).

  • Okotu (òko-tu), to deliver up any sold or bartered goods at once. Plural okookotu (òkoòkotu).

  • Omaharu. See days of the moon, under mama.

  • Omaoma (òmaòma), precipitous; sheer. 2. Profound; deep. 3. Empty; void. 4. To have the stomach empty and sick with hunger.

  • Omaure, the moon slightly past the full. See marama.

  • Omo (òmo), to suck; to suck the breast.

    Akaomo (aka-òmo), to suckle; to give suck. 2. To rear, to bring up, to foster.

    Omoomo (òmoòmo), to suck.

    Omoomoga (òmoomòga), the action of sucking; suction.

  • Omogutu (òmogùtu), to suck the lips.

  • Omotohi. See nights of the moon, under marama.

  • Omouri. See nights of the moon, under marama.

  • One (òne), land in general; earth, soil. Cf. onepatapata, onemanu, taparuruone, &c.

  • Onekura (ònekùra), red land; soil having red clay mixed with it.

  • Onemanu (òne-mànu), fertile soil.

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  • Onene (onène), to remain a long time bed-ridden and unable to rise.

    Onenega (onènega), the condition of being bedridden for a long time.

  • Oneone (òneòne), food found in the stomach of the squid or octopus. 2. The stomach of the squid.

  • Oneone (òneòne), a very fine thread or filament. Akaoneone (aka-òneòne), to spin very fine, as a thread.

  • Oneone, to vehemently urge to do a thing (only used of an inferior urging a superior). 2. To beg with importunity; to press for again and again.

  • Onepatapata (ùnepàtapàta), sand that is good for making mortar.

  • Onetea (òne-tèa), sea-sand.

  • Onetuna (òne-tùna), land covered with stones. 2. Loamy, clayey land.

  • Oni (òni), to climb up a tree. Cf. oniiho.

    Onioni (òniòmi), to climb up a mount difficult of ascent.

  • Onie (onìe), to remain a long time sitting down.

  • Onhho, to descend from a tree or pole, embracing it with arms and legs. Cf. oni, iho, okiiho.

  • Onioni. See under oni.

  • Ono (òno), six. 2. The name of a fish. 3. To put end to end; to splice; to elongate. 4. To concoct; to compose a song. 5. To heat, to warm: as ono umu, “Heat the oven.” 6. To attend to the fire; to poke it up, keep it going.

    Onoga (onòga), the action of poking the fire, &c. 2. A knot. 3. A small bundle of long things, as of branches, rushes, &c., but not of round things. Plural onoonoga.

    Onoga, a knot. 2. A joining; junction. 3. The action of putting end to end.

    Onoono, the straws or shreds of pandanus used in making a mat.

  • Onotaotoa (onotaotoà), a great talker.

  • Onu (ònu), the sea-tortoise; the turtle. Cf. pakaonu, taragaonu.

  • Onuonu, the name of a crab which dwells in the sand.

  • Ootu, full moon. See under marama.

  • Opai. Used as follows: opai-mate, to afflict, to vex; opai-oge, to famish; opai-tiatoga, to impoverish.

  • Opata (opàta), the end of a piece of land at the foot of a mountain.

  • Opati (opàti), the same as opata. Cf. patipatiga.

  • Ope (òpe), the breech, the buttocks, the rump. 2. The end or tip of fruits. Plural (of No. 2) opeope (òpeòpe).

    Akaopega (aka-opèga), the end, completion, complement. 2. The rear, posterior. 3. To be behind; not to appear. Plural Akaopeopega (aka-òpeòpèga).

  • Opeaniu (ope-àniu), a small anus. 2. Having pointed buttocks.

  • Opekura (òpe-kùra), the last of the bread fruit crop.

  • Opeoho (òpe-òho), the back of the head; the occiput. Cf. ope and oho.

  • Opi, a venereal disease, at its commencement.

  • Opiapa, a paste of mei, made from spoilt fruit.

  • Opo (òpo), to superintend; to inspect. 2. To entertain; to converse with a person; to provide for his necessities or wants; to pay attention to. Plural opoopo (òpoòpo).

    Opoga (opòga), attentions; watchful care shown.

    Opoopo (òpoòpo), to think about some uncompleted work.

  • Opoti (opòti), soon; shortly.

  • Opu, food (maa). 2. Fruit that is soft to the touch. 3. Flexible; pliant. Plural opuopu (opuòpu).

  • Ora (òra), life; to live. 2. Health. Cf. poipoiora. 3. To grow larger and bigger altogether. 4. To heal; to be cured. 5. To escape. 6. To sink, as a ship; to swamp. 7. To drown; to be drowned. 8. To wedge up; to support. Plural oraora (òraòra).

    Oraga (oràga), life; existence.

    Oraora (òraòra), dust or rain falling into the eyes.

    Oraora, a sea under heavy swell. 2. Flatulence, wind in the stomach.

    Orataga (oratàga), necessary; necessary to life.

    Akaora (aka-òra), to cause to live; to give life to; to allow a person to live. 2. To save; to give safety. Plural akaoraora (aka-òraòra). Akaorahu (aka-òra-hù), a deliverer, saviour.

    Akaoraora, to pretend to let go; to feign to release: said of children who release fish into pools on the sea-shore.

  • Orakau, one of the quarters of the moon. See marama.

  • Oranoa (òra-noa), eternal life; life uninterrupted by sickness, &c. Cf. ora and noa.

  • Oraora. See under ora.

  • Orapahu (òrapàhu), to be very green and vigorous: said of trees. Cf. ora and pahu.

  • Orataga. See under ora.

  • Ore (òre), to dig out, to excavate: said of water which excavates the soil, as in flood.

    Oreore (òreòre), to smooth off; to level the inequalities of land.

    Oreore, soft; amiable; pleasant; agreeable. 2. Of good character.

  • Ori (òri), an outcry; shouting. 2. A search; a quest. 3. Ori-ma, to change the leaves of a pit of maa.

    Oriori (òriòri), the sweet sound of a musical instrument made of papyrus.

  • Oriorioge, the beginning of a famine. Cf. oge.

  • Oro, an exclamation giving the idea of promptitude. Cf. horo, òròro, kihoro, hooro, ohoro. 2. Then; at that time. 3. After that? What next?

  • Oro, to wash; to rub; to wash with rubbings. Cf. oroi. 2. To make friction. 3. To whet; to sharpen. 4. To sweep. 5. Joined, united; fitted together. Plural orooro.

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    Ororo, to rub; friction.

    Akaoro, to swim under water. 2. To grope; to feel one's way. 3. To feel; to touch once. 4. To walk about gropingly.

    Akaorooro, to touch, to handle frequently. 2. To cause to slip.

  • Oro (òro), a falling in; a falling down; a landslip. Cf. horo. 2. To swallow, to swallow down. Cf. oropu. 3. To eat one's words; to pocket an affront. 4. To pass along quickly: said of a ship. 5. The small bones in the fingers and toes; a phalanx.

    Akaorooro (aka-orooro), to touch; to feel; to handle. 2. To tattoo frequently. 3. To cause to slide or glide.

    Ororoga (òroròga), a steep slope; steep; a highpitched roof.

  • Oroatararega (oroàtararèga), a long uninterrupted speech or discourse.

  • Oro-a-toki, to speak very quickly, precipitately.

  • Oro-a-rua (òro-à-rùa), a fall of seeds or berries coming down here and there like rain. 2. A rolling sound on the drum; to make such sound.

  • Oroga, the name of a running plant. 2. A kind of very fine net.

  • Orohe (oròhe), a whaling-ship.

  • Oroi, anything used as a wiper after washing; a towel, handkerchief. Cf. oro, to wash. 2. To rub the eyes.

    Orooroi, to wash the hands. 2. To graze; to glance; to slide.

  • Orokura (oròkura), fishes arriving in shoals during low tides to deposit their roe or eggs. 2. An abundance of fruit, &c.

  • Oromoko, to eat fish raw when it is unusual to eat such fish uncooked.

  • Oromonunu, (oromonùnu) superficial; a disease affecting only the outer skin. 2. To slip on the skin: said of a blow.

  • Oronani (oronàni), to pronounce badly; to construct one's phrases badly. Oronaninani (oronàninàni), plural of the action; orooronani (orooronàni), plural of the subject.

  • Orooroi. See under oroi.

  • Oroorovai (òroòrovài), the name of a fish.

  • Oropo, obedient. 2. The preparation of soaked papyrus to be beaten into cloth.

  • Oropu, to swallow without mastication; to swallow at a gulp; to bolt. Cf. oro.

  • Ororo. See under oro.

  • Ororo (òròro), a term of execration, of passion, or of indignation. 2. A corse; an imprecation. 3. A cry of joy, of welcome. Cf. oro.

  • Ororoga. See under òro.

  • Orovata (òrovàta), paste (maa) badly kneaded.

  • Oru (òru), the noise of a branch that is entangled, or loaded down. 2. To abound; to be glutted. 3. To overflow; to run over.

    Oruoru, conflict. 2. Confluent; running together; agitated, as two streams meeting. Moanaoruoru, a tossing sea.

  • Orua (orùa), the entry of a pair of fish of the same kind into a basket sunk in the sea; said also of two persons answering a question or call at the same time. Cf. rua.

  • Ota (òta), raw; uncooked. Cf. kaiota. 2. To eat raw. Plural otaota (òtaòta).

  • Otane. See days of the moon, under marama.

  • Oti (òti), the end. Finality; finished; to be ended. 2. At last! Enough! Otioti (òtiòti), plural of the action; ooti (oòti), plural of the subject.

    Akaoti (aka-òti), to finish, to bring to an end; to achieve.

    Otiga (òtiga), the end; termination.

  • Otitu (òtitù), soon ended; promptly finished.

  • Oto, an arrow. 2. A venomous bone with which the point of a lance is armed. Cf. akamoehoto. 3. A coco-nut without husk. 4. Timber suitable for a vessel's masts.

  • Otomanu (otomànu), the lower part of the spinal column. 2. The backbone.

  • Otuotu, the season when winds, fish, breadfruits arrive.

    Akaotu, the spring-time.

  • Oturu, one of the quarters of the moon. See under marama.

  • Ou, a great abundance of fruit; a splendid prospect.

  • Ouaua (oùaùa), to carry a large bundle.

  • Oumama (oumàma), to swell, to puff up; to inflate.

  • Ouou, a drill; a borer; to pierce with a drill. 2. To try and discover the cause of a noise.

  • Oupa (oùpa), the name of a small fish.

  • Ouparu, a dirty mat; soiled matting.

  • Oupo (oùpo), the heart. Cf. oupoiti, ouporeka.

  • Oupohitihiti (oùpohìtihìti), to be smothering; short of breath; pursy; broken-winded. 2. fatigued; weary.

  • Oupoiti (oupoìti), idle, lazy: without industry or courage. A feeble man. Cf. oupo, iti, and ouponui.

  • Oupokava (oùponùva), a malicious man; wicked. Cf. oupo and kava.

  • Ouponui (oùponùi), laborious. 2. Stout-hearted; courageous. Cf. oupo, nui, oupoiti.

  • Ouporeka, valiant; warlike. Cf. oupo, ouponui.

  • Ouporu, a coward; a frightened person. Cf. oupo and ru.

  • Oupotea (oùpotèa), to crush, to overwhelm; to oppress a person with too much work.

  • Ourua, the running of water when uninterrupted (not drop by drop). To run freely. 2. To go swiftly and pass out of sight without going behind a headland, &c.

  • Ourupe (ourùpe), a soft thread not well twisted.

  • Outu, to dive; to plunge, as a cascade falls.

  • Ove, a war-cry. 2. A shrill cry. To give out sharp cries, or war-cries.

  • Oveio (ovèìo), to remain; to dwell. 2. To give leave, to allow, permit; to give.

  • Oveo, very cold. Intense cold.