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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



We have receivedfrom Mr. McLean and Mr. Cooper four pounds in money (£4) in 1852. 11 August. Bell Block (Land within). payment for our lands within the boundary given by Rawiri Waiaua to the Queen at Mangati (Bell Block).
This payment is for ourselves and all our children who have all joined in surrendering Receipt for £4. the laid in question to the Queen henceforward for ever. And in acknowledgment of the receipt or these four pounds, we have hereunto subscribed our names and marks upon this 11th day of August in the year 1852.

Hamarama te Ngako x his mark.
Katara te Rara.

W. Halse, Commr. Cr. Lds.
John Rogan, New Plymouth.
James Ritchie, New Plymouth.

A True Translation.
G. S. Cooper. A True Copy of Certified Receipt and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 9th, 1876.