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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two

Native Lands Act 1865, and Native Lands Act 1869. — District of Otaki, Province of Wellington, Waihoanga No. 2A Block

Native Lands Act 1865, and Native Lands Act 1869.
District of Otaki, Province of Wellington, Waihoanga No. 2A Block.

At a sitting of the Native Land Court of New Zealand held at Otaki in the said 1874. 14 April. Certificate of title ordered. District on the 14th day of April 1874 before John Rogan Esquire and Enoka te Whanake Assessor. It was ordered that a Certificate of the Title of Natana Pipito Ngapu Paneiti, Eruera Te Hiapo, Te Peka Pipito, Te Rata Te Poutunoa, Te Kingi Ngapu, Hira te Rapa, Hariata Hamuera, Areta Pipito, and Parekarewa te Waha aboriginal Natives to a parcel of land at Otaki in the District aforesaid containing by estimation eight hundred and eighty (880) acres and known by the name of Waihoanga No. 2A be made and issued to the Governor when the parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof, and that whenever the said land is granted by the Crown the legal estate therein shall be made to vest in the Grantees on the fourteenth day of April 1874. Witness the hand of John Rogan Esquire Judge and the Seal of the Court the 14th day of April 1874.

True Copy.

Edwin Woon.

(Sd.) J. Rogan,