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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



This Deed1853. 14 DecemberWairarapa District. conveying land written this 14th day of December in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-three (1853) is a paper of our full consent on behalf of ourselves and our relations entirely to give up a certain portion of our land to Victoria the Queen of England and to the Kings or Queens who may succeed her forKuratawhiti No. 2. ever and ever.
The boundariesBoundaries. commence at Waipapa thence to Tumate thence to Rongohineao thence to Hapenui thence to Muhunui thence to te Monoai thence to Waiohine and in Waiohine to Hawera thence to te Ake thence to Kuratawiti thence to Haki thence to Taumata a toetoe thence to Hinewaiao thence to Waipapa.

Now we have for ever given up this land with all thereunto appertaining.

TheReceipt for £120, first instalment. [Te Waaka.] payment we have received for the land this day is One hundred and twenty pounds (£120) once told hereafter when the extent of the land has been ascertained the final amount for payment will be considered.

Te Waka Tahuahi x.
Na te Manihera.

Witnesses to the payments and signatures—

Purvis Russell, Grazier, Ahuriri.
Archd. Gillies, Otaraia.
Wiremu Tamihana Hiko.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 4th, 1876.