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New Zealand: Acts affecting Native Lands, 1886, 1888-91 and 1894-95

(C.) Nuisances. (Section 16, Subsection 3.)

(C.) Nuisances. (Section 16, Subsection 3.)

11.No nightsoil, refuse, or offensive rubbish shall be cast or deposited or allowed to flow into any spring, stream, or watercourse that flows through or past a Maori kainga and which is used as a water-supply by the inhabitants of such kainga or any other kainga on the banks of such stream or near such spring.
12.No person who is the owner or occupier of any premises within a Maori kainga shall permit or suffer any nightsoil or refuse or any offensive rubbish or matter of any kind whatever to accumulate or remain or be in or upon such premises so as to be injurious or dangerous to health or so as to cause an offensive smell.
13.No horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, or other animals shall be buried within a Maori kainga
14.No person shall throw or leave any dead animal on any property within a Maori kainga whereby any offensive smell is or is likely to be created.
15.Every person who commits a breach of any of the By-laws Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14 shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one pound.