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An Account of Samoan History up to 1918

Concerning the District of Vaa-o-fonoti

Concerning the District of Vaa-o-fonoti.

One of the early kings of Samoa was Faumuina. He had three children, two sons and one daughter. The sons were named Fonoti and Vaafusuaga and the daughter was named Samalaulu. They are commonly known in the traditions of Samoa as “The Three of Faumuina.” Each child was by a different mother so that after the death of their father they individually contended for the Kingship. (Who were the mothers.)

Vaafusuaga had a son named Toleafoa and he was loved by his sister Samalaulu and his son. The sister joined with them to opnose the claim of her other brother Fonoti to the Kingship. When Fonoti found that his brother and sister had gained many followers he went to Leulumoega where the dispute was being fought and sought the assistance of the High Chiifs and leading orators of other districts. He was successful and managed to gain many fighters. He then waged war against his kin and was successful and was ultimately proclaimed King. In our traditions this war is known as the war between Samalaulu and Fonoti. (Note: why was Samalaulu chosen by Leulumoega raiher than Fonoti the eldest or his brother Vaafusuaga?) King Fonoti conferred many honours upon those chiefs and Districts that had fought for him and such honours and privileges are honoured by the Tumua and Pule down to the present time. (In this war Samalaulu was chosen by Leulumoega as their candidate forPuleship of Samoa.)

Itu Malo o le Vaa-o-fonoti with a district of its own was one of the rewards conferred upon Faleapuna, Safanua and Fagaloa, for the part they had played in the dispute and for contending with Manono, Sapapali'i and Saleaaumua in the fighting that took part on the sea. Fonoti also conferred honours on Tofaeono, Aiono, Misa and the privilege of receiving food on Faleata. There were also conferred many other rewards too numerous to mention. (Note: these should be obtain page 4 ed as well as the whole history of King Fonoti with a complete list of the rewards handed out.)