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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, June 1912

Senior Eleven

Senior Eleven.

v. North: Won by 40 runs on first innings. College 148 (Fanning22, Burbidge 19, Berendsen 34, Salmond 29 not out), and 82 for 9 wicket.

North 108 (Saunders 5 for 45, Dickson 3 for 47).

v. East B: Lost by 51 runs on first innings. On the first day East batted, and made 303, while we fielded with most gentle and consistent inefficiency On the second day, amused and encouraged by the hysterical and incoherent ravings of the "Dominion," we flung caution to the winds, and put together 252. The popular features of this game were Sammy's smile (40), Dickson's caution (58), Miller's success (35 not out), and Caddick's brilliancy in cutting straight balls (28).

v. East A: Lost by an inning and 19 runs. We made 32 (for full particulars and criticism see Dan McKenzie) and 190 Fanning was the chief culprit, making 43; Burbidge, however, was very litle better, making 38 not out.

East made 251 for 6 wickets 5.

v. Hutt: Lost by 88 runs on first innings. Hutt made 200. Without Saunders, we had to rely on Bosanqual Dempsey, who did nobly. Even his worst balls were so envenomed with cunning that the most reckless Huttite didn't dare to play them with anything but his pads. We made 112 (Griffiths 20. Fanning 33, Burbidge 15).

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v. Central Won by 5 runs on first innings. College 99 (Dickson and Salmond 19 each) and 122 (Burbidge 30, Fanning 17, Broad 18 not out, Caddick 13). Central 94 and 115 for 9. Dickson's fine average (10 for 102) tells its own tale.

v. South: Won In four wickets. South 132 and 78. College 172 (Dickson 48, Griffiths 23) and 40 for 6 wickets.

v. Petone: Won by 56 runs. College 126 (Burbidge 37, Dickson 19, Caddick17) and 103 (Dempsey 62 not out). Petone 67 and 106.

v. South: This match was the play-off for third place in the Championship. College was beaten by 16 runs on the first innings. South 160; College 144 (Dickson 44, Burns 27).

Batting Averages: Senior Championship Matches. Dickson, 23; Burbidge, 15.3; Dempsey, 14.3; Miller, 13.25; Fanning, 12.5; Caddick, 10.9; Berendsen, 11; Salmond, 10.6; Griffiths, 10.5.

Bowling Averages:: Senior Championship Matches. Saunders, 12.75; Dickson, 13.75; Atmore, 15.