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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1921

The New Wings

page 23

The New Wings.

"Non coeptae adsurgunt turres . . .
.... pendent opera interrupta minaeque
murorum ingentes, aequataque machina caelo."

—Virgil, Aeneid iv. 85.

There is little more that need he said, for Virgil, having foreseen such a state of affairs, has graphically expressed the position in one or two sentences which are not to he improved upon.

The Memorial Wing, however, is to he completed by next session. The Memorial Window is under construction, and the Library floor is almost complete, and, under favourable circumstances, we should see the roof on inside eight months.

The new wing which is under construction is to complete the present block of buildings. The architecture is to be uniform with that of the present buildings, except that Oamaru stone is not to be utilised for facings. The ground floor is for the Geology Department. and the building is also to accommodate the machinery-room and workshop and the Physics Department.

The College, when complete will form an imposing structure and a landmark from the harbour and city; but, nevertheless, this and the beautiful view do not recompense for the narrow-sighted policy of the College Council in making the present site a permanent one.