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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, September 1926

An Interlude

An Interlude.

A place there was, not far forth on the Hill,
Where many a dusty volume stood on shelf
And a grim Warden who the time did fill
With making rules on all except himself
Enforced silence. There the goodly Elf
Did think to study for an hour or twain
Some antique law; for oft mere lack of pelf
Doth noble youth to such base toil constrain
That mote more fitly right in Gloriana's train.

But looking up whereas his wit 'gan tire,
A lovely lady he beheld in sight,
Whose yellow locks, crisped like golden wire,
(Which stayeth put), and eyes that twinkled bright
As do the stars amid the frosty night
So ravisht him that he did stare and stare
Like China doll, of sense bereaved quite.
The which when that fell tyrant saw, he sware
A griesly oath and bade him play that game elsewhere.
