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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 3.

Interjection Competition

Interjection Competition

This month we have several awards to make. First prize (one china cup and saucer, donated by the Exec.) goes to Mr. Crossley. At the conclusion of the Extravaganza, when Mr. A. D. Priestley was assuring a sceptical audience that he had had really very little to do with the performance, Mr. Crossley's blithe voice hailed him from the body of the Town Hall:—

"You're partly to blame, anyway!"

Our second prize (200 odd saucers) goes to a nameless stripling at one of the debates. A speaker had occasion to mention the work of a Russian dictator.

"Tosh!" interjected Mr. Riske.

"Oh! Was that his name!" came the unexpected insinuation from the back.

Consolation prize is awarded to Mr. Scotney, who is showing slight improvement, and who put in some solid spade work at the recent Broadcast Debate. Mr. Mountjoy told us that in America people are very discriminating—they even refuse to travel in the same conveyance as a negro.

"How did you get on in America for transport, Joey?" inquired Mr. Scotney.

A large box of chalks has been forwarded.