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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1932



The activities of the Club are now chiefly concerned with the wellbeing of the Common Room, and in this work has been most successful.

Realising that the walls and floor left quite a lot to be desired, even in the matter of cleanliness, the Committee and several friends spent a busy Saturday morning with brooms, ElectroLux and dusters and thoroughly cleaned this home away from home.

A close scrutiny after this work still revealed that the place was scarcely habitable, so sterner measures had to be taken.

Two bridge parties were arranged to raise the funds necessary to carry out extensive renovations.

At last, after lengthy discussions, not to mention arguments, amongst everyone concerned, the room was freshly and, we hope, artistically papered and painted.

The Committee would be pleased if the inhabitants would endeavour to refrain from placing their feet on the wall paper, window-sills and heaters.

Thanks are due to all those students who regularly donate magazines and flowers for the Common Room, and it is to be hoped that many others will follow their good example.

The social activities of the Club have also been very successful, particularly the Freshers' Welcome early in the year.

The Committee regrets that the enthusiasm shown still leaves a lot to be desired, but it is rumoured that this will be rectified at the dance to be held on September 24th.