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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1934. Volume 5. Number 5.

A Successful Season

A Successful Season.

The football season is drawing to a close. The Club has quite a good record, standing fourth in the Club Competition, although the senior teams have not been outstanding. Last week, however, the 1st. XV. rounded off the season by defeating Canterbury and St. Pats. Old Boys, in the latter game avenging the defeat on the King's Birthday. The seniors have not been disgraced in their defeats, and it is to be hoped that they will hold their 1st. Division status next season. Burke and Eade have been outstanding in the forwards, and with Ruru they are perhaps unlucky not to have gone further.

On Saturday important games were played by the 3rd. C's and 4ths. The former, by decisively braising Miramar by 15—0, are in a very strong position at the head of the ladder. The team deserves mention for its splendid combination, both back and forward, which is worthy of the best University football. The 4ths. have fallen from grace in the last few games, but by drawing with Petone, 3—3, they still lead the Competition by one point. We hope one of these teams, if not both, will give 'Varsity its first win in the Competitions since the Seniors won in 1929. The 3rd. B's have struck form in the last four games, and did very well against the leading teams in the grade. Various games are being arranged between 'Varsity teams for the end of the season, and the final function will be a smoke concert, which judging by last year's effort, should be very successful.