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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 2.

Seeking the "Logos."

Seeking the "Logos."

The attractions of "Chinese White were not all-absorbing, for on Friday night a few ardent spirits gathered to listen to addresses of the tragedy of being a student.

Miss Hoby, speaking briefly and pleasantly, said that we were here to gain fullness of life. We could not do this without entering into the social life of the college: but above all we must seek with sincerity and courage for the meaning of existence—for the logos.

Mr. Nash described the problems—social, political and international—that confront us. Our solutions to these problems are dependent on our attitude to God. Christ taught the love of God and of our neighbour. In the light of this teaching, the student will use his specialised knowledge to the benefit of the community.

A brisk discussion followed. The chairman (Mr. Miller) dealt ably with many questions. There was a real effort to arrive at the basic proofs of Christianity. Mr. Miller would have it that the vital things in life could not be proved after the manner of a geometrical theorem but that a man's faith in God was comparable to the certainty felt by lovers.