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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 2.

Prof. Adamson Dons the Gloves

Prof. Adamson Dons the Gloves.

Professor Adamson's speech at the Law dinner was the most valuable contribution of the evening. Apart from pointing out that the Law Faculty was the most active and influential of all Faculties at V.U.C. he made important points in connection with legal education.

When the arrived in New Zealand he had advocated the establishment of a central law school, the nucleus of which would be provided by giving bursaries to ten students from each province. With such a beginning the school would have grown rapidly and the appointment of teachers who were specialists in their subjects would have been made possible. No man could he such on ubiquitous expert as was required of present. But he was told it would cost too much: "not as much as we are now spending on teaching of law in the four centres," said the Professor. The failure to accept these improvements was due to the parochialism and self-assurance of New Zealanders.