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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 2.

Torn Tapestry

Torn Tapestry.

Those few noble souls who have gazed with disgust on the piebald dirty, drab hangings in front of the Gym stage will be delighted to hear that the Dram. Club has succeeded in procuring some first-class drawcurtains. These have been acquired from the trustees of the Teachers Training College, with the assistance of Miss Irvine-Smith, well known as the producer of many fine shows at the T.T.C. Wellington.

The curtains are surmounted by a beautiful pelmet, incorporating the Training College crest, which was designed and pained and painted by Mr. L. T. Watkins, of Wellington This crest is composed of the lion rampant from the V.U.C. crest, and should the Training College ever be incorporated as a faculty at V.U.C., the crest and colours will be most appropriate.

The Trustees are to be congratulated on finding a suitable home for the curtains.