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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 5.

Boxing Chances

Boxing Chances.

The Boxing team is training steadily under the tutelage of Roy Brien, and with only a fraction of the luck that is so overdue, should give a good account of itself in Dunedin.

Armour ought to be the heaviest man in the four teams, and if he hops into it instead of repeating leaning tactics, he should beat any opponent. Our College tourney proved that Ilott is a hard man to knock down, and he will do well if he speeds up a little. The provincial rowing eights in which he is rowing for Wellington may tire Boswell, but he is as fit as can be. Edgley's strength is untried, but he is a strong fighter and will do well. The best boxer in the team is Meek, and "Smad's" shirt will be on him. If they are properly fit and continue hard training, the lightweights Akel and Lennie will also put up creditable showings.

It is a fairly well balanced team and, given a change of 1933 and 1934 luck, it has every chance of success.