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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 9.

Lower Grades

Lower Grades.

Amongst the lower grades, 'Varsity has met with success. The Junior A's have been playing good football and are well placed on the ladder. They have a hard-working set of forwards and enterprising backs. The Junior B's are having a lean time at present. They are a useful team, and with a little more luck should win more games. The Third A's do not seem to be having quite as many wins as one would like, while the Third B's always the weakest team in the Club, remain so this year. The Third C's, of whom we heard so much last year, are very quiet at present and do not appear quite as keen as last year.

Henry Moore's Fourths are not the team of last year. Perhaps it is due to the vacation, but they have lost the last two games.