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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1935

Other Matches

Other Matches.

The Speight Trophy Match did not take place at Easter, as Auckland University were unable to send a team down. Instead, a game was arranged against a Waipukurau eleven and played on Kelburn Park. The visitors won narrowly in a very close finish.

A successful smoke concert brought the season to a close. At this function, a bat awarded by Mr. R. W. Osborn for the member who had been of the greatest service to the Club during the past season was presented to J. A. R. Blandford, for his batting, wicket-keeping and coaching.

In conclusion, the Club has to thank its Patron, Professor MacKenzie, and its Vice-Presidents for their interest and assistance, and Mr. H. H. Cornish, K.C., its President, for his kindness in hiring the Winter Show building basement to enable us to obtain some invaluable indoor practice before the season opened.