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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1935

Evangelical Union

Evangelical Union

Consolidation and steady progress have marked this year in the Evangelical Union, the third since its advent in 1933. The winter term, especially, has witnessed a very live atmosphere in the Union.

The chief activity has been the weekly Open Meeting, held every Friday at 8 p.m. in Room A3.

Attendances during second term averaged twelve. We have had addresses from the following:—Dr. John Laird, M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow), Messrs. J. W. Buchanan, A. E. Birch, and K. W. Liddle, all of this city, Mr. A. MacLean, of Sydney, Rev. Carl Tanner, B.A., of Hastings, Mr. H. W. Milner, representing the Sudan United Mission, Miss S. Mackay, from India, and Dr. Hallam Howie, M.B., Ch.B. (Otago), Missionary Designate to China.

Prayer meetings have been held twice weekly, but from Monday, the 22nd July, they will be held daily.

A study-circle meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays and, we hope, this will satisfy a very definite need in the life of the Union.

A tramp through South Karori and Makara, on June 3rd, was followed by an enjoyable "squash" at the home of our great friends, Dr. and Mrs. Laird.

On July 18th we had the honour of a visit from Mr. C. Stacey Wopds, B.A., B.Th., of Canada.

The E.U. conducted a public meeting in Nimmo's Hall, when Mr. Stacey Woods delivered a powerful address on student conditions in the schools and colleges of Canada, the United States of America, and Australia.

On July 21st we were privileged to have an address at a Sunday tea in the C.S.S.M. Book Room from Dr. W. H. Pettit, of Auckland. His real interest in our existence and work has greatly stimulated us.